38. Becoming one

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The cold chilly breeze from the window hit his rosy cheeks causing him to close his eyes at the sensation. His hands rubbed the bare skin of his arms to provide some warmth. The movement of his hands stopped feeling himself getting engulfed by the familiar arms basking him with the protective heart soaring warmth.

A bashful smile spread on the cherry lips and eyes closed in anticipation when his fiancè nuzzled his face in the crook of his neck. His heart went berserk in his chest feeling his lover leaving soft tender kisses on his skin.

"Koo." The deep voice whispered in his ear sending chills to his body. Even now that ocean-like deep voice has the same effects on his heart.


He opened his eyes when Taehyung turned him around. The man had a fond smile plastered on his pillowy lips and eyes held the sheer adoration in them for him that he couldn't help but to lower his eyes bashfully.

Taehyung's heart burst with tenderness seeing his shy angel. He couldn't help but to lean and press a soft kiss on his forehead letting them stay over which made jungkook to sigh in content.

The elder of the two pulled back slightly to look at his fiancè. His jungkook. The boy whom he was unfamiliar with had no relation. Who just came into his life accidentally never thought would become someone without whom now living seems impossible to him.

He doesn't know he would fall for someone whom he met by an accident. Never knew that accident will bring a new turn in his life. A beautiful blissful turn. Which gave him an angel, a pure hearted innocent angel for whom his heart started beating. That angel who unknowingly became his everything, his whole world.

Without Jungkook he will be nothing. Just nothing.

"Are you happy, my love? I didn't force you into anything, right?" Taehyung asked the question he had in his mind.

Sure he wanted to give an official name to their relationship but now he thinks maybe he rushed too much. Maybe he forced his decision on his koo and he doesn't want the boy to feel forced or regret the decision later.

While Jungkook shot open his eyes widely hearing Taehyung's insecure hesitant voice. What does he mean by it? Forced?

He was never forced nor can he be if it is Taehyung. Taehyung, his hyungie is his life, his whole world without whom his whole existence is nothing.

He is nothing without taehyung. Jungkook is Taehyung's just like taehyung is jungkook's.

"Why would I feel forced when this is what I wanted. Do you even have an idea how badly I want to be yours? I was freaking dying to be yours kim taehyung and you think i am feeling forced? No my naive baby bear, I love you so much my life to even let you go. Now don't you dare think anything stupid." Jungkook glared at the man hitting his shoulder, earning a soft laugh from the elder.

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