36. What are we?

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His heart was pounding fiercely in his chest as if it would explode any moment there and then. His hands were trembling, mind racing faster than a bullet train in unwanted thoughts. His feet were rushy, taking him behind the one who has become his everything from nothing.

There was something, something unknown but still known in those glistening doe eyes which unknowingly clenched his heart. That look, that heartbroken look was haunting his heart.

He wondered why.

He doesn't know what made his koo look like if he was hurt, miserable. It made his heart suffer too. It hurted him too.

Taehyung entered through the already wide opened door of their room. His almond orbs searched every corner of the bedroom but his koo was nowhere to be found, not even in the balcony.

"Koo." He called out but no one replied to him.

He turned around and heaved a sigh seeing the closet door open. He wasted no time running inside. His eyes went wide and a gasp left his mouth seeing his koo stuffing his clothes inside a big suitcase.

Jungkook's doe eyes were blurry from the tears filled in them. Rosy cheeks were continuously getting damped from the tears falling on them while trembling lips leaving sobs.

His heart was broken, he himself felt all destroyed mentally, physically and emotionally. He was feeling betrayed, crushed and like a fool who thought Taehyung loves him back the way he does. He also has him in his heart but that was just his imagination.

Taehyung doesn't love him. He didn't, that's why he agreed to marry someone else so easily. Well why won't he? He is a single man who needs someone in his life to take care of him, pay attention to his every need, give him everything that he desires, accompany him in all his sorrows and joys.

Not someone like him who came into his life by an accident. He was just an accident in Taehyung's life.. just an accident.

"Koo baby what are you doing? Why are you packing?" Taehyung asked desperately, walking behind the sobbing bunny who was taking out his clothes from the closet harshly.

Taehyung's anxiety level was increasing with every passing second. He was getting restless seeing the boy packing his stuff ignoring his presence as if he was invisible.

"Baby please say something. Don't ignore me like this. What have I done that upset you? Please tell me bun." He pleads but the boy was not sparing a glance at him.

Jungkook went to put his clothes in the suitcase with taehyung following him helplessly. The younger closed his eyes in sheer rage when Taehyung held his wrist and turned him around.

"What's wrong with you koo? Will you fucking tell me what wrong i did that you are punishing me like this with your silence?" Taehyung raised his voice, getting frustrated with the lack of response from the boy.

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