28. Kiss me

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One kiss is all it takes

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One kiss is all it takes...
Fall in love with me~~


The room was dead silent but this silence was not matching with taehyung's and jungkook's hearts which were thundering in their chests so loud even they themselves could hear it clearly.

Taehyung wasn't thinking straight nor was his mind working properly when he lost himself against his desire of tasting and claiming those cherry like soft lips which he was dying to do for a very long time now.

And the realisation being the bish hit him hard like a bullet train bringing out of his daze. His eyes widened as he felt panic rushed through his veins to his body.

What the hell did he just say? How can he lose control over himself like this? What if this made jungkook feel uncomfortable then? What if jungkook started to ignore him and distanced himself from him then?

Various negative heart breaking thoughts filled his mind. Unknowingly he clenched onto jungkook's shoulder a little tight as his breathing fastened, feeling those overwhelming emotions torturing him.

He gulped and quickly backed away blabbering in panic.

"Umm f-forget it what I said-"

But before he could go away from jungkook the boy stopped him by wrapping his arms around his neck, pulling him closer again.

He was so busy panicking inside that he failed to see how blood rushed to jungkook's face to his cheeks, painting them in an adorable bright rosy hue with his heart at the verge of jumping out of his chest.

His mind was replaying taehyung's words non stop. He was dying for taehyung's to make a move and finally claim him as his. He has already given his everything to taehyung from the day he realised he loves the man unconditionally.

He wants it too. He wants to feel taehyung's lips against his too. He wants to claim taehyung as his too. He wants taehyung close to him.

"Kiss me hyungie." Jungkook whispered, catching him off guard.

It took him a few seconds to register jungkook's words and when he finally understood them his breath hitched. He stared into those starry eyes. There was no restriction, even a slight hesitation in them.

Instead they were showing the same yearn, crave, need and want for him just like his.

His koo was like an open book to him whom he reads so easily without any difficulty. His doe eyes speak a thousand words more than his mouth and taehyung understands them all.

The older trailed his eyes down to jungkook's lips and subconsciously he licked his own lips. He took his eyes back to jungkook's trying to find any kind of discomfort or hesitation but he found none.

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