31. The memory

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It was Taehyung's second day in New york. He was returning back to his hotel after attending the meeting. His eyes were staring mindlessly outside the window of his car. He wasn't tired just missing his family, most importantly his baby koo.

He wanted to call his bun and hear his soft melodious voice which his ears were longing for but knowing it was midnight in Korea he suppressed his urge. 

Yesterday when he called the younger and heard his voice he felt as if he was back to life. His ears were dying to hear that angelic voice and when finally they got what they craved his heart was pure bliss.

Taehyung continued to stare outside but suddenly a jewelry shop caught his attention. He instantly told the driver to pull the car over the shop. Now that he was out to another country why not get some gifts for his family.

With that thought taehyung entered the shop with his secretary bogum following him behind. The shop's manager greeted the both men while welcoming them inside the shop. 

Taehyung went around looking for a watch for his dad. He smiled widely when he got it according to his dad's taste. After that he got a diamond necklace for his mom knowing her preference. 

And now he was pouting heavily looking around like a lost puppy to find something very precious and elegant for his koo just like the boy himself but to his dismay he was getting none that could catch his eyes.

He kept going on until a simple dark blue coloured diamond with a platinum chain grabbed his attention. His lips twitched up as he hurriedly took out the necklace from the display.

It was prettily elegant just like his koo. He was busy admiring the diamond when an employee stood beside him.

"Did you like it sir?" The male asked with a polite smile which only widened when Taehyung nodded.

"Yes, can you pack it as well?" Taehyung forwarded the necklace, handing it to the other male.

"Of course sir but do you wanna know about the speciality of this diamond?" The male asked, causing Taehyung to frown as to what speciality the diamond could has. Nonetheless, he shook his head in affirmation.

"This diamond has a gps in it. You can connect it by your phone to know it's location." Taehyung's eyes went all round as his mouth form an o hearing the male.

"Really?" He exclaimed in shock, earning a quick nod from the other one.

"I can connect it to your phone if you want to." The male offered, which made Taehyung really excited as he hurriedly gave his phone.

"Can you please." The other man took the phone and connected the diamond through the GPS to the phone.

Taehyung literally jumps like a kid when he sees his phone showing the exact location of the diamond. He thanked the male for his help and told him to pack all of his things.

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