30. Liar

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The feeling of emptiness came with full force as soon as jungkook and the elders returned home from the airport after seeing taehyung off. 

Jungkook wasn't sad anymore after the time he spent with taehyung in the store alone. With a soft alluring smile he bid taehyung goodbye with doe eyes shining in hope and silently telling the older that he will be waiting for him.

Taehyung kept on peppering his adorable face with butterfly kisses that he had to whine and push his dork away before he changes his mind and never let him go. 

The older kissed his forehead last time and whispered something in his ear that made his heart race in his chest and left him blushing madly turning red like a tomato before finally bidding his goodbye to them.

Taehyung hugged the four of them one by one and then went inside with his secretary and assistant.

Mrs kim and her husband took a seat on the huge couch on either side of jungkook who gave a small smile to them. 

"Are you hungry baby? Should I cook for us?" Mrs Kim asked softly as it was already seven in the evening thinking the boy might be hungry.

But Jungkook shakes his head in denial as his cheeks start heating up while remembering how he ate so many cups of noodles and fed Taehyung to keep him distracted.

"I ate four cups of ramyeon with taetae." He replied avoiding looking at her. Her eyes went wide hearing him.

"This many? Were you this hungry baby? You could have told me." She stated worriedly but the bunny was turning more and more red.

"No I wasn't, I just wanted to waste our time so he could miss his flight." He spoke quietly and whined when both Mr and Mrs Kim burst into laughter.

"Oh my god!! You did what?" Mrs Kim laughed, causing Jungkook to hide his face behind his palms.


Both the elders cooed at the adorable boy who was still hiding his face. Mrs Kim smiled fondly, removing his hands from his face.

"Aww come here my naughty little one." 

She pulled him closer in her arms. Jungkook immediately snuggles to her. She started stroking his head.

"You know i used to do the same thing." She shared while Mr kim rolled his eyes at it.

It caught jungkook's attention. He peeped up the beautiful lady with his doe eyes filled with curiosity.

"Really?" He asked and received eager nods from both.

Mr kim wrapped his arms around jungkook's shoulder pulling the duo closer to him.

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