23. Jeonlous

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"We can't extend the date anymore tae we have to leave soon if we want this deal." 

Taehyung sighed, massaging his temples with his slender fingers, hearing his secretary. He knows he has to make a decision soon. 

The thing is they have to leave for New York for a meeting which is very important and beneficial for their company.

He has been postponing the date for a while now and the patience of other party's is running low as they want to collaborate with their company but taehyung he is not giving them a fixed date to visit and meet them.

The reason behind taehyung's reluctance is obviously Jungkook, his baby koo. He just can't leave his koo here all alone by himself because he doesn't know how many days it will take in New york.

It's been six months of both living together and taehyung never left jungkook even for a single day and after witnessing his koo's state when he went out with his friends his heart was not agreeing to leave him alone.

But again he can't cancel the meeting either. It will bring great success to their company. 

When nothing came in his mind he groaned and ran his fingers through his hair ruffling them frustratedly.

Bogum sighed and withdrew the younger ceo's hands from his hair which were tugging them harshly. The older man then starts to comb his messy hair smoothly running his fingers through them.

"Relax tae and tell me what's the matter?" He asked softly while taehyung looked up at him with puppy eyes.

"Hyung my koo will be left alone. I can't take him with us."

Bogum gave a tight lipped smile when he heard him. Of course he also knows they can't take jungkook with them. Because first taehyung doesn't have jungkook's passport and for a new passport it will take jungkook's I'd details which no one has.

"I know tae but you know we can't let go of this deal and about jungkook your hyungs will take care of him happily." But the younger one shook his head.

"They can't always be with my koo. They also have their own work to do and koo loves to stay at our home only." He reasoned which made bogum to shut his mouth until he remembered something.

"Then how about you call your parents here this way you won't have to worry about jungkook being alone at your home." 

Taehyung stood up from his chair with a brightened face turning to bogum's side.

"Oh my god how could i not think about it. Thank you so much hyung you are the best." Taehyung exclaimed, grinning widely and hugged bogum who hugs him back, chuckling at his childish boss.

But then a loud thud of the door being harshly shutted flinched the both men who parted away to look at the direction from where the sound came and there he was.

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