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It's been days since Sizhui's mood lighten up. The night after the messy afternoon at the cafe, made him and his Lan Wangji closer. Well, it's all thanks to the worldly wisdom of his shameless teacher. He did not expect Lan Wangji to opened up to him, coaxed and told him that it was alright whatever he is feeling. That it was okay for him to enjoy his life and that he is his son.

Sizhui's worries disappeared. He now brightly smile and was proud to be that person's son. He even asked Wangji who told him that he was feeling unwell. After knowing that it was his Sir Wei, Sizhui thought that he'd definitely have to thank him. Worst case worse, he wasn't able to find a suitable time for his gratitude with his teacher. Wei Wuxian was so busy with the upcoming school activity. It didn't help him in his student council duties.

On an early morning, Jingyi found the highly spirited Sizhui, "good morning.. seems like someone had a good day..."

Sizhui nodded. Few minutes later, the two of them reached school. They saw Wei Wuxian playing soccer with students regardless of their year. He had some sort of de javu. It was that smile that made this sort of sentiments in his heart. Finally, Wei Wuxian noticed them and waived at them. He felt his heart swell with happiness. A sudden memory of a child held up by the black clothed man smiling so brightly crossed his mind.

Who are you? The sudden question made his entire body shudder. He sees a memory of smiling man, the bright sun and a lively street.

"You feeling okay now?" Wei Wuxian asked when he approached them.

"Mm.." Sizhui answered, "Sir Wei... Thank you..."

Wei Wuxian beamed and as he looked tenderly at him, " if it were not for your words... I'll never be true to my feelings and for... Dad..."

Wei Wuxian patted him and messed his hair, "if you really are thankful... Then better get your grades up... I expect lousy performance from Jingyi but not from you..."

"Hey!... Is that a right thing to tell your student how worse they would be?" Jingyi scowled.

"Generally no.. but if its you... No problem... It's the truth..." Wei Wuxian smirked at Jingyi. Sizhui couldn't help but laugh by the side and earn himself a scoff from his cousin. "by the way your grandpa came here yesterday... Before we met at the cafe... Swear... I thought he'd have a heart attack.."

"Don't anger him too much..."

"Sir Wei... Even if Jingyi tried not to anger grandpa... Grandpa is always high!"

Wei Wuxian laugh, "that's not a way to describe your grandpa right? Come on... I'll be your home room starting today... Ms. Lou's maternity leave has just started... Come on! Let's wreck the classroom!"

Wei Wuxian placed his arms around Sizhui and Jingyi's shoulder as they walk towards their room. For Sizhui, Wei Wuxian felt so familiar. He felt safe and sound. It's as if he doesn't need to be afraid of anything. He thought that it was the same feeling he had whenever he's with his Lan Wangji. He feel so free and open whenever he's with Wei Wuxian compared the composed and serene ambience from Lan Wangji.

"Sir Wei... It really feels safe with you around... It's the same feeling when dad picked me and adopted me... You know... Assurance... I mean it—"

"You will never be in harm..." Wei Wuxian said, "haha! I knew it..."

Sizhui smiled and nodded.

In the afternoon, classes had been suspended for the upcoming school activity. Wei Wuxian's class never came up with the participants for the events. Sizhui had to applaud this man for the thing he is about to do.

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