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Wanji remained silent as soon as he left the school with his son until he entered his room. Well, not that he is naturally silent. But, it was an unusual silence that even Sizhui and Xichen cannot even have a conversation starter.

He sat by the window and watch the beautiful full moon. A familiar silhouette blurred in his tearful eyes, looking at but cannot reach out. As if it was an unspeakable yearning.

He heaved a sigh, only to find himself still alone. He remembered the incident just this afternoon. He touched his lips, with the warmth still lingering.

His heart skipped a beat, and a flush of pink can be seen on his cheeks. He felt nervous at the same time the anticipation of wanting more. Desire eating his very conscious as if he wants to own nothing more than the man whom he had kissed.

He paused the moment as a flash of images came to his mind. A blindfolded dark-robed man lazily sat on a tree and a white-robed man carelessly approached claiming the lips of the dark-robed man. Sharing a passionate deep kiss under the dews.

His heart thumped, and he clenched his chest with all the fiber of his being screaming that he wants that man... That teacher.. that Wei Ying...

"Wei Ying.." he uttered. He felt pain and happiness just saying those words. So painful but the feeling gradually decreased as if it was a fleeting ecstasy. The agony of thousands of years disappeared as if it never existed. "Wei Ying..."

It was a sudden torturous reminiscence.

The void in his life has been filled by someone with whom he has so little interaction.

His momentum was cut by the three small knocks he heard, "come in."

Lan Qiren entered and worriedly looked at him, "Is something the matter Wangji?"

Wangji will never tire of watching his affectionate Uncle Qiren. It was always been the strict Uncle in his memories. So this change in attitude has become one of his favorites.

He merely shook his head at the expense of answering the question, Lan Qiren sat beside him and averted his gaze from the space

There was silence, a heartwarming silence.

"I've always wanted you to be happy..." Lan Qiren said, "when I knew what part I played in your life in my previous lives... The guilt inside me had always been pestering me.."

"But now... I truly wished for you to be happy... Meet the one you've always yearned for... I wanted you to enjoy the life you are given... I have never been a good uncle to you... It was evidenced by those 33 scars... Wangji..." Lan Qiren called, "you are no longer bound to the rules of the family... You can search for that person as you see fit... Remember, that this time... I will give you all my support..."

"I hope that someday... You'll be with that person..."

It was an ardent wish.

Lan Qiren never knew how would life be spectacular. Like the silk become tangled, like the shackles but decorated, bound by illusory and wanton promises. He only heard what he did in his past life. He knew his fault that time. But he cannot bring it up to the person who sat beside him. He cannot tell him everything...

Not until... That person tells Wangji the truth...

"Thank you, uncle..."

Lan Qiren knew that he never deserved those words of gratitude. Even if does not know everything, he knew he was part of this fake world. Nevertheless, he also knew how precious this person is to him.

'It has always been me making this child suffer." Lan Qiren thought.


It was a Saturday morning, and Wangji decided to take a stroll. His brother was away for his work, his uncle had to attend to their family affairs, Jingyi and Sizhui are busy with their upcoming event and told him that they'll be having an overnight at Ouyang Zizhen house. Being alone and having nothing to do, might as well go out for a change.

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