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Sui Chen has a sad expression on his face. Wei Ying had doubts about his two students at first, but the incident between Yin Qing and Sizhui confirmed his suspicions.

He confirmed the identities of the two students.

"Chenqing liked it when little Sizhui listened to him..." Sui Chen explained.

"Why don't you use Chenqing's name instead of Bian's?"

"Chenqing's name is better than mine... It's embarrassing, you know... If it hadn't been for you, I would have smacked you back then..." Wei Ying laughed, and Sui Chen continued, "right... Chenqing still doesn't know what you realized... I hope you keep it that way..."


"We're not supposed to be a part of this world," he replied, "and we know... You've already reached the end of this whole facade..."

There was a brief pause between them.

"I miss the days when you could still wield me and dance with me, clashing to every blade and watching the priceless face of the GusuLan clan... But now, you'll never be able to wield me again..." Sui Chen said, "but I'm glad I got to see you again... After all these years...I just want to continue this silent life..."

Sui Chen or Suibian knew that his master could no longer control him. Just as he was cast away when he returned without his golden core. He felt his grief for not assisting his master, and he was distressed by his master's sad face and resentment at the time.

He recalls not being present when his master died for the first time. no... Even if he was present, he could never save his master.

Even now, his dying wish will never come true. He can no longer enjoy his master's power or the thrill of a fight...

Not right now...


His master is no longer the same man he once was...

Now he is...


It was a sad reality, but he was relieved that his master was no longer cursed.

He was patted on the head by a warm hand.

When this person held him, he felt the same warmth and happiness.

That smile... Ah... That smile...

The bright smile he always saw in front of his master had devolved into madness and depravity. The same smile he had wished to see for years.

"Are you content?" he inquired.

"Yes... And you should as well..."

He smiled and nodded, "at long last... I can finally let go of my worries..."

His master is content... And he certainly will be... After everything is finished...

This time around... He swore one last time to protect this person... Not just any blade... But someone who can shield and remove every obstacle in his path...

He swore this time... He will not commit the same mistake...

He will not bind himself to long and rejection. He now had a choice... Even if his master can no longer use him. The choice that he is granted is a long-lost wish.

'I want to protect my master... One last time...'

When he lost him for the second time, he prayed.

Wei Ying could see Suibian's determination. "I'm sorry for neglecting you... For abandoning you... I'm sorry... if I hurt you... But never did I blame you for anything... You have done enough for me back in my foolish and childish years... And thank you... For staying and being loyal to me... For everything," he can't help but say.

Wishes of the Thousand YearningsWhere stories live. Discover now