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The evening had come, and Jin Ling's event was approaching.

Their class finished second overall, with half of the class winning events and the other ranking higher.

Their position was solidified further when Sizhui won his solo instrument event, Sui Chen's mural event, and Zizhen's rhetoric and literature event.

Their class agreed that Sizhui's competition was the most memorable. Nobody doubted his victory. With all that cheering and crying, it was undeniable that he moved the judges.


Nobody is surprised...

Where is Jin Ling?

"By the way... has anyone seen Jin Ling today?" asked Wei Ying.

Teacher stupid, students stupid... And stupid class rather...

They scratched their heads and inquired.

They all shook and said they hadn't seen Jin Ling all day.

"What if he doesn't participate?! The cash price! My monthly allowance!" Wei Ying cried.

The student gave him a disgusted look. 'So he put his money on us winning the competitions?' ' all students looked at each other communicating their sentiments.

"Don't be concerned, Sir Wei; we already know how poor you are..." Sizhui said.

They just dragged their shameless teacher to the auditorium, shaking their heads.

Lan Wangji, who is still a member of the group, also followed. He just tugged to wherever Wei Ying went all day. He also realized that Wei Ying keeps an eye on each student, giving them advice and removing their worries and nervousness. He recognized how that individual defines an educator. No wonder, his Sizhui likes him.

When they reached the auditorium, Wei Ying happily called, "A-Jie!!!!"

"My A-Ying," Jiang Yanli said as he hugged him.

"Did you happen to see Jin Ling A-Jie?"

"He left early after telling me to keep an eye on him tonight... Did you not see him?"

'So Jin Ling was already here,' Wei Ying nodded.

"By the way, class, why aren't you changing your clothes? You all look stuffy," he asked.

"It's fine... We'll only dress like this once in a lifetime... It's good that Jin Ling can recognize us in these clothes," they all agreed.

When he saw his class with their cheering material, Wei Ying grimaced. A banner, a drum, a bass drum, a play horn, and pompoms are all included. Jin Ling will undoubtedly be embarrassed rather than proud.

They walked into the auditorium and took their seats. It was overflowing with visitors, parents, teachers, and students.

Until Sizhui was called forward to serve as a substitute for the student council president, who is now exhausted from the day's events.

He walked proudly and gracefully in his cosplay attire.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are delighted to introduce our school's, Mr. Gorgeous!"

The lights went out, and the show began. Their class applauded without knowing which of the contestants was Jin Ling.

But they were taken aback when the boy in the gold gown walked down the catwalk.

They were astounded...

Three words to express...


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