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After the shitty and epic meet-up between Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen. Wei Ying was undeniably and rarely behaved. Today was Jin Ling's birthday and the whole class was invited to Jiang's cafe. Too much of a good-for-nothing Uncle who even forgot his own nephew's birthday.

"Brat... If we're not for Jiang Cheng dragging you home... You'll skip A-Ling's birthday..." Madam Yu scolded him.

"Now... Now... My lady... A-Ying has a terrible memory... No need to fuss about it..."

"This brat itself is terrible!" She answered her husband, which only made Jiang Fengmian chuckle lightly.

Then she went to the kitchen.

The Lan Brothers tagged along after securing permission from Lan Qiren. But, there was something else in the picture.

Lan Xichen tirelessly followed Jiang Cheng's every movement.

"Did... Uncle Chen... Follows Jin Ling's uncle movement?" Jingyi whispered to Sizhui and was loud enough for Wei Ying and Lan Wangji to hear

Wei Ying thought to himself, 'well... It's natural for my brother to follow Jiang Cheng's movement after meeting him three thousand years... his feeling was the same as Lan Zhan's when they found the one they love.'

Wei Ying just chuckled which caught Lan Wangji's attention, "you knew?"

"How can I not?" He answered. As if it was natural for him to have a conversation with Lan Wangji after knowing he had memories of the past.

Lan Wangji just watched his brother smiling tenderly. It has been so long since he heard his brother talk so soft and full of bright.

And because of this, the plan of attending the family meeting was turned into a visit to a birthday party

"A-Ying!" As Maiden Jiang hugged Wei Ying, "if it were not for a-Cheng dragging you home... You would never come home..."

"Sorry... A-Jie... Had too much work.."

"Too much work... Or flirting?" They heard Jiang Cheng's grumpy voice, "the last time I saw you flirting was also here and the next was me dragging you home..."

"Aw... Jiang Cheng, you really will not have a girl that will like you if you always wear that grumpy old face..." Wei Ying mused.

"Don't worry... If girls are like you no need..." He scowled back, "I have no intention of being in a relationship..."

Wei Ying and Lan Wangji glanced at Xichen whose smile was still as ever but it was sad at the moment. The two younger Lan's saw this and approached Xichen to disturb him.

"Sir Wei..." Zixhen called, "the teachers hate it when they are compared to you... I just heard it in the faculty room... But... It's okay... We like you..."

Jin Ling also added, "just let them be... At least my uncle is not like them trying to impress Uncle Yao just to have good standing..."

"In what way they wanted to impress me?".

All heads turn and saw Meng Yao with Jin Zixuan. Immediately, Jin Ling's face brightens, "don't worry A-Ling... They'll never impress me... Right... Wei Ying? You left me at the convention..."

"Probably he got his lazy ass on the run..." Jin Zixuan said.

"Oh... Peacock brother! Long time no see! As usual, your remarks are always complimenting me..."

"I see... Shameless as always..." Jin Zixuan then approached his son and patted him.

Xichen watched Meng Yao. The one person he had once loved and who have betrayed him.

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