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"Return to Gusu with me, Wei Ying."

Amidst the battle ensuring between them against the thousand undead. That question wrapped Wei Ying in warmth. The same old question he had refused and accepted in his first two previous lives.

Lan Xichen watched them, his eyes filled with sadness and pity for his brother.

But the smile, Lan Wangji gave was enough that they could understand the question. He wanted Wei Ying to return together with him.

The loud growls, crackling fires, and shouts of their enemies no longer reached their ears.

Wei Ying stared at Lan Wangji. His grip was as gentle as he seem, unlike the night in dafan mountain when he was resurrected.

"Come back with me... Wei Ying.."

Wei Yung hold his breath as watched the streaming tears down from those golden orbs. His heart knew, that this man had remembered.

"Was this... Your most painful memory?" He asked.

Lan Wangji did not answer. Wei Ying concluded, why Lan Wangji acted like this. His being the Yiling Patriarch was Lan Wangji's greatest painful memory. Why? Because he was useless enough and failed to save him. This was Lan Wangji's regret.

The grip tighten as Wei Ying refused to answer Lan Wangji's question. The growls had become louder, and danger was alarming them.

"Lan Zhan..." He called. The stream of resentful energy gushed at them.

Lan Wangji took his stand, unmoved by all the danger surrounding them. Waiting for the other to answer his query.

"I'm sorry..."

Wei Ying pushed him away from him.

Lan Wangji tried to grip him and secure him in his arms, but he saw the other being stabbed by the resentful energy lifting him high above the ground.

His eyes flashed in anger, the energy prevented him from approaching, "WEI YING!"

He heard the torturous cries of his other half. Being covered by the resentful energy, tortured, and slowly being torn apart.

"This is what you've done to me... Wei Wuxian..." Wen Chao arrogantly said, "you will suffer the same!"

Lan Wangji tried to resist the energy. He wanted to get him as much as possible. His struggles had gone futile. He had no more strength to fight and protect the one he yearn for.

"Wei Ying!" He cried.

His mind was filled with negative thoughts.

He saw Wei Ying smile at him. Reassuring him that he will survive.

"Will you leave me again?" A question was left unasked.

Wei Ying reached for the sky. He raised his hand despite being stabbed by the crystalized resentful energy.

He glanced at Lan Wangji already exhausted, his brother still unconscious on Lan Xichen's back. Jin Ling and His sister watching him with sad expressions.

He smiled... Smiled again...

"Lan Zhan... Protect them please..." He said, "I'll meet you again... So, please... Please... Protect them... I will be with you later... I promise..."

He said with a smile.

His hand reaches out for the sky, the sky being torn apart by the energy he commands.

He called for Yin Hu Fu. Calling him to heed his command.

He knew the heavens will not forgive him for resorting to the heretic path again.

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