*Edited* Chapter 1

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Gemma's POV:

Let me introduce myself my name is Gemma Brooks and I'm 24 years old. I have lightish brown hair and greenish blue eyes. I'm 5'4, 120 pounds, and have a British accent. I have a few tattoos. A heartagram on the inside of my arm in the middle between my wrist and elbow. An infinity sign on my right wrist, opposite from the heartagram arm. The last one I have, is a quote by Tupac on my left side rib cage; it says ' I know it seems hard sometimes but remember one thing, through every dark night, there's a bright day after that. So no matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out,keep ya head up...and handle it'

I've had a rough childhood, and well adulthood so far. I've been on the run for about a week now, and I'm not staying in one place more than a day. I'm on the run because I'm a fugitive for not being in court. I was supposed to go to court, but I had missed because I thought it was a different time, but when I went up there they said it was fine. I don't get why I'm a fugitive now. I was in jail for drugs but I want to change. You see it wasn't like needles or anything it was pills.

I want to get clean, but I don't want to go to jail for it. I want to freely go to rehab on my own terms and not have it forced. But you never get what you want so that's why I'm running now. But I've been thinking about staying in one place and letting them find me but I don't know if it is a good idea, because I don't want to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and end up in an even worse situation then I started in.

Right now I'm at my friend's house. She is a really cool person. She always tells me to stay strong and if I need something to come to her. I told her I needed a place to hide, and well, she was happy to help. I hope she don't rat though because that wouldn't be real good friend wise of her.


I'm laying in my bed right now listening to music. My friend has just walked into my room and pulled out one of my ear buds.

"Have you chosen to give up or not?"

"Well, I don't know if they came here right now than, yes, but if I were not happy, than no."

"Would you be mad if I told them where you were?"

"Did you do that to me?"

"Um, no."

"Okay tell me the truth love, did you tell them?"

"Fine yes!"

"Oh, well than tell them when they get here, that I'm waiting on them, and that I'll go easy without a struggle, because I want help."


I laid my head back down and put my ear bud back in and turned on 'Keep Ya Head Up'. I'm waiting for them to come and get me, because I want help, and need it.


Leland's POV:

I walked into the office this morning to start work. Mom and Dad and well everyone else were sitting around and waiting on me to get here.

"Mornin' who's our fugitive of the day?"

I sat down next to Youngblood (Tim not me cuz that is my screen name) and took a paper that had all the fugitive's information on it.

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