*Edited* Chapter 14

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Gemma's POV:

      It's been about one year since we got married now. Today we're headed out on a bounty, while the girls are in daycare. Now see Leland and I have been training more on our martial arts. So that's why the girls are in daycare, because we've been busy with going on bounties, and training.

      The dude we're hunting is huge. Like seven feet tall and almost 300 pounds. None of us are scared about him or anything, but still that's a big dude. Anyway, we got into our trucks and headed out. After about two hours we finally found a place, where we're pretty sure he's at. See the dude is in a gang and everything, so this house was covered in gang members.

           Once we got out, people came over toward us. There was at least ten to fifteen guys. The guys weren't too small either. Dog and Beth both tried to ask them about Mike, but no, they weren't having it. Leland and I both tried talking to some of the guys, but they didn't like that neither. A few guys even tried hitting on me, which really got Leland mad.

          The one was getting a little to grabby, and so Leland stepped in front of me, and was getting more angry, by the second. The guy then pushed Leland right into me. I stumbled back, but kept my balance. Right after that, everything went bad. Leland started brawling with a few guys, and so did Youngblood, and Dog got like one. There's was still a couple of them standing there looking at me. I gave them one of those 'Whatcha gonna do' looks, and that's when they came at me. Someone had called the cops, because sirens were going off like crazy. Dog had already stopped fighting with his dude, but Leland, Tim, and I were still going at it with the others.

        Leland and I both were fighting people off of each other, while dealing with the people that were after us. We all three had cuts and bruises on us, and I just about got maced in the eyes three times, Leland did too. We both got maced once, but had to still keep on fighting, we had no break. My eyes were on fire, so was my body. When the cops showed up, there were at least, twenty of them.

      They came over and got all the guys, and the fugitive, but bad thing was while Leland and I were washing out our eyes, the cops came over toward us. Youngblood, Leland, and I were then all questioned. Of course they didn't care, that we were only defending ourselves, they still ended up arresting us. Like for real arrest due to defending ourselves against 20 guys.

         Whatever though, we were still arrested, except good thing about it was that the three of us were put into a holding cell without the other guys. We still had to wear cuffs, because they were scared that we'd hurt someone. Anyway, after that we had to sit in the cell for almost 4 hours. We were watching the news, and saw that all three of our mugshots were on the news with the news reporter saying.

"Tim 'Youngblood' Chapman, Leland Chapman and wife Gemma Chapman of 'Da Kine' bail bonds were arrested today for gang fighting...it was said that they claimed it was self defense, but it was not said if it was true or not. It was also said that if it was not self defense, that they will be charged with gang fighting, and be charged with 8 months in prison...more on this story later...we'll have a statement from Dog Chapman later about his brother, son, and son's wife." The reporter stated.

       Dude was I mad. Like for real I get into a fight and immediately it was assumed as gang fighting and not self-defense. I'm just saying this...I can't go to prison, because I don't want to see anyone that I know there again. Yes again, I have a few friends and family members in there, that I had to go see a few times.

          Around 9:30 that night the news came back on and the same reporter came on, and had more information about us. I hope it'll be good.

"Like we had announced earlier Tim 'Youngblood' Chapman, Leland Chapman, and wife Gemma Chapman were arrested for gang fighting. It was said that they had claimed self-defense. Let's see what Dog had to say about that...
'Yes, it was self-defense, the three of them were defending themselves and each other. They didn't try to get into a fight on purpose...they're just trying to protect themselves in their line of work...because Leland and Gemma have babies to go home to...and Youngblood has a family that needs him.'...
It was said that the police believed him...and that it was self-defense. It was said that they shall be able to have bail posted later. "

       Well not much good news, but at least we'll get out on bail. I can't wait to get out of here, because I hate jail and prison. Well really only when I'm in here. Anyway, Beth and Dog showed up, and bailed us out. Beth told us that they had the twins at their house, and that we're headed straight there and picking up the girls. We were also letting Tim stay at our house for the night since it was so late.

         As soon as we got to Dog's house, I ran inside and straight to my babies. Once I got into their room at Dog's I picked them both up at once. They smiled at latched themselves onto me.

"Momma!!" They yelled in unison.

"Hey babies...ohhh I missed you so much." I said.

"Daddy?" Mia asked.

"One second..." I answered.

      You see Mia is a Daddy's girl, whilst Tiana is a Momma's girl.

"Leland." I yelled.

      He walked into the room, and was immediately called over by Mia. After the small reunion. We got ready to leave, and had to pack the girls stuff back up. Then Leland, Tim, Mia, Tiana, and I headed home. After getting home, Youngblood, Mia, and Tiana went to bed. Leland and I stayed up to talk.

"I am so sorry you had to get arrested tonight baby girl." Leland said sympathetically.

"Hey listen to me babe, it wasn't your fault...it was all those guys that attacked us." I said.

"If I wasn't so possessive and dominant, then it wouldn't have happened...I mean look at you, me, Youngblood...we're all busted up, and hurt."

"Babe you're not possessive or dominant..well, too much anyway, but listen to me...you did it to protect me and your family...we're busted up due to loyalty and love..not stupid choices Leland."

"You got maced in the face babe, how is that not a stupid choice...you had to fight three or four dudes because of my stupid choices."

"You got maced too, and I chose to fight with them babe, I mean look I wasn't gonna let you have all the fun yourself."

"That's why I love you...you always know what to say to change my mood."

"I love you too...want me to sing to you?"


      Right about then, out came Tim with Tiana and Mia. He said that they woke up, and was wanting us. We told him what we were talking about, and he agreed with me. I then decided that I would sing a couple songs for them. So I chose five: Lips of an Angel, When I'm Gone, Perfect, Mockingbird, and God Bless Amerika. After that we all went back to bed. I laid down Mia and Tiana in our bed with Leland and I.

"Love you Gemma." Leland said.

"Love you too." I answered, as we both kissed the girls foreheads.

         Now I see even more how important family is, and how important it is to stay out of trouble. I know now that family is everything, and that children mean everything. I have decided since day one, I'm going to be there for my kids every step of the way, and I'm going to be there whenever my family needs me, or whenever Leland or my kids need me. Nothing is above my kids or my family...ever.

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