~ Sleepover confession ~ 1/2

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This chapter is boring so, bear with me :)
Fs guys, the next chapter is way better, I promise
Robins pov~
I walked through the halls of the school, filled with nothing but a bunch of hoes and no good dipshits. One girl fell, and tripped right in front of me, and I almost kicked her in her ugly fucking  face. It was crowded in the rather small halls, yet I couldn't seem to find any of my friends . I finally spotted Vance , who was having an excellent time smashing a kids face into the lockers repeatedly.

I finally got to the boys room, where those stupid putas were traumatizing poor Finn for the millionth time. I got super pissed, and instantly started yelling.
"Hey! Throw one more punch at Finn, and I'll bash your stupid  faces in." I demanded. The three boys stopped  and stepped away from finney, who had his limp arms covering his head, afraid to get kicked in that area. When he realized they weren't going to kick again, he let go of his head and sat up, but he was still tense. That was, until he saw me, after that he ran to my side.

"You shitheads listen. Fuck with Finn again, I fuck with you. Got it?" They nodded and scurried out like the bunch of pussies they were.
I turned to Finn and frowned. He had gotten beat pretty badly by those pollas.
"Come on Finn, we'll go outside and wait for the others, then we can all go to my place, and I can fix you up, is that okay?" Finney nodded, and gave me a hug for saving him, again.
"Thanks robin, I really owe you."
"Don't mention it, I can't let them hurt someone as cute as you, niño bonito.
I smirked, right until I fully processed what I just said.
But all Finn did was turn into a tomato and look away, before gesturing to the door, signaling he was ready to go.
We got outside and waited by the park area for the little kids at school. We waited until finally Bruce showed up, and everyone else followed.
On the walk home pretty much everyone was silent, except Vance play-smacking Bruce in the back of the head, which Bruce didn't enjoy too much. We finally got to my house, and I unlocked the door as everyone piled inside. It was raining out, so pretty much everyone was soaked, expect Gwen, who smartly brought her infamous rain coat.
"Where's your mom?" Billy said, just as I picked up a note from the table, written by her.

Me iré toda la noche, así que dejé cincuenta dólares sobre la mesa. Lo siento, no pude estar en casa, estoy trabajando hasta tarde. pásala bien con tus amigos, te amo -mamà .
I sighed at the question. "She's not gonna be here, she's just working late."
An awkward silence filled the room, the others noticed I was pretty pissed at the situation.
Finally, Bruce shouted, "come onnn guysss! Let's go change I'm colddd!"
Everyone agreed to his statement and went upstairs change.
I wore some baggy gray sweats, and one of my white tank tops. I put on some old black socks, and took my bandanna off. I decided to put my hair in a bun, and left the bathroom. When I walked out, I saw that finney was wearing one of my shirts, from a previous sleepover, and some baggy shorts. They were pretty short though, I could see half his thigh, and I got a little excited but pushed it to the back of my mind, quickly. I didn't rlly pay attention to anyone else, I was just paying attention to Finn.
Omg he's so cute.... I wanna squeeze his cute face so bad, and his thighs...they're so perfect....
I got snapped out of my day dream when Finn took my hand and headed downstairs with everyone else. Apparently while I was day dreaming about...————um yea.——they decided to order a pizza and watch Texas Chainsaw massacre, my favorite. Well, second favorite. We later found out this was not the best idea, considering that griffin was afraid of horror movies. He threw up, like , 10 minutes into the film, so he went home with billy to be taken care of. So now it was just me, Finn, Vance, Bruce, and Gweny. The pizza finally arrived, so we all dug in. After we all almost ate our livers out, we just chilled in my living room. Eventually, we heard a phone ring. It was Bruce's . He answered it, and it was his parents. They wanted him home to help clean,. Bruce tried to argue, saying he was having a sleepover, but his parents wouldn't budge, so, he said his goodbyes and left.
After Bruce left, Vance wasn't as rowdy, and we all knew he wanted to leave. Finally, he said some dopey lie about "wanting to go find some kids to rock on the street" and left. Now it got pretty awkward. Because it was just me , Finn, and Gwen. It was really awkward to be honest... we were all three just sitting in dead silence, looking at our phones.
About 30 minutes past, and then Gwenny finally broke the silence, saying that she should probably get home because their dad didn't like her staying out all night. That was the fakest lis I ever heard. I got what she was doing. She was trying to leave so me and Finn would have "aLoNe tImE" as she said. So, she winked at me and finney, and left. And it got so. Fucking. Awkward.

919 words guys! 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
I hope you guys like this chapter, there will be a part 2 so come back soon!❤️🫶🏼

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