Dont touch me

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I didn't reread so it probably has mistakes 🐝

Robin slid the binder off his desk, throwing a glare at his English teacher. "Fuck you, and fuck y'all too." He complained, flipping them off on his way out of the classroom.
I had had enough, those bitches are annoying as hell. (Someone accidentally threw a paper ball at him.) Since they want to act stupid, they can go fuck each other like idiots.

I found myself near the men's bathroom, pulling open the heavy door to let myself in. "Ooo- hoo~" I thought to myself, beginning to open my zipper. "I need to wiz."

I heard a faint snicker before looking back towards the sound. "What a fucking show." Vance laughed, earning a quick chuckle. "Why, thank you." Vance sat on the floor with a joint in his hand, holding his jacket loosely across his arm. "Ya want one?" —"Nah, man. I woke up with a fucking migraine from smoking my dick off last night." I admitted, groaning exaggeratedly at my statement. "Oh, that sounds fun." He grinned, showing off the little gap between his 2 front teeth and flicking the joint into his pocket.

"So, why're you in here?" He asked, nodding his head slightly as he threw the cigarette towards the garbage can, missing horribly. "Meh. Those kids got annoying, so I left." I explained, clicking my tongue after I finished. "What a bunch of cabrones." He rolled his eyes, hugging out and sliding his jacket off of his arm while motioning me to sit down.

I took a seat beside him, laughing at the insult. "Where'd you even learn that?" I questioned, turning as he began to tell the story.

Note: don't let Vance tell stories, they make 0 sense.

After awhile, the last bell began to ring, signaling that school was out, and sadly waking me from a nice dream. I was interrupted by someone pulling my hair. "What the fuck- oh, don't touch me Vance." I mumbled, pulling my hair out of his grasp and making a disgusted face. "Don't do that, I'm definitely not that ugly, bitch." He blabbed, rewarded with a full hearted laugh.

"Bye Vance." — "Later, Arellano."
I sat on my bed, hitting a vape and coloring my nails black. It was quite boring, since my mother very well left me alone to fend for myself for the night. How rude. Anyway, I accompanied myself with black ink markers, coloring my cuticles with the utensil.

I hummed Cuco to myself, adding more ink to the pouch at the end and redoing some of my nails, as I heard a faint knock from downstairs. I thought of who it could be as I skipped down the stairs, arriving at the door. I opened it with a "clang", and to my surprise, Finn stood at the tip of my doorway.

Finn was a bit at school that usually helped me with answers, but we recently became closer and started to hang out more. "Hey, shitface." He exclaimed, smiling as he pulled me into a tight hug.

See, Finn was the type of guy that was impossible to dislike, yet most people, however, did. It made my heart hurt. "Hey, Finn!" I acknowledge, instructing him to make his way upstairs.

We ended up making assumptions about Mrs. Higgins, who was our English teacher. Gross. Finney thought she was a crazy cat lady, while I thought she just had a bad husband. Eventually we came to an agreement, settling down and watching a random old lady show. There was a thick silence filling the air, leaving me at a loss of words. Luckily, I didn't have to speak. "Hey robin?" Finney intrigued, catching a glimpse of his gazing eye.

"Hm?" I hummed, slightly taking my eyes from the screen. "Can I play with your hair?" He inquired, pulling on the long strings of his hair. I grimaced at the irritating thought, my stomach churning. But it was finney.

I let out a soft sigh, clenching my fist into a tight ball. "...Fine." His eyes lit up, making the situation a kilometer better. "Yay!" He enthused, jumping up from his spot and leaping over to me. He began to braid it, pulling at the pieces lightly as we made small talk.

"Y'know, you should wear your hair up more." Finney hummed, brushing out to strands and letting them fall to the sides of my face. "Is that so?" I interrogated, rolling my eyes and laughing as he snapped at me. "Because, you look cute!" He muttered the last part, but I head him clearly. I flushed a deep shade of red, leaving him in silence.

"Thank you.." I managed, grabbing his shoulder and pulling him beside me. "Now let me do yours, Blake."

The next morning, I thought of finneys words.
"Because, You look cute!" I blushed harshly at the memory, wiping it of my face though as I stepped into the bathroom. " can't be that hard." I thought to myself, picking up a ponytail and a brush.
I walked into school, earning eyes from all over. There were snickers and chuckles, but I mostly just death glared and ignored. Once his brown eyes meet mine, I nervously smiled and walked up to him.

"Hey, Blake." I said simply, trying to ignore my heart beating out of my chest. "Robin!" He exclaimed, grinning and showing off his golden smile. "You took my advice!" — "No-no. I just realized I look better like thi-"

"WHATTTTTT THEEEEEE FUCKKKKKKKK" Vance screamed, bolting across the hallway from mid air and slinging me into a locker." I fell to the floor hardly, gripping my arm and groaning. "Dude, what the hell?" — "No, YOU what the hell?!"

I glanced at him confused, now holding my hurt arm. He rolled his eyes, answering my unspoken question. "You're hair. How the fuck did hanging out with this loser change your mind about "oh I'm too cool for that."

You really needed to slam me into a locker for that?

I sighed, glaring towards his direction. "Because finney is better than you." I heard finney snicker, making me add a bigger smile to my lips. Vance slapped his hand against his chest, offended as ever.

"You did NOT just say that to me."

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