Gentleman 1/3

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I don't know how I got to this situation, but here I was. Buying stupid flowers and chocolates at one of those dumbass marriage stores.

I sat in class, spacing out, thinking about who knows what. I think I was wondering about what Finn was doing right then... "god he was so cute...I wonder what mi mundo is doing right now.."  "robin...."
"Maybe HES thinking about me too.." "robin!"
"Or, maybe he's changing in the bathroom heheh,, ooh his thighs would look so good on me.."
"ROBIN!" A sudden voice woke me from my amazing day dream, and I got pissed. "What the fuck do you want?" I snapped. As soon as I saw who it was calling my name, I quickly cursed at myself for being an idiot. The teacher stood by my desk, and I think I could faintly see fumes coming out of her nose and ears. "Mrs. char-"NO! Office, right now young man!" She snapped back. Tons of kids were staring back at me as I lifted myself from the seat, walking slowly out the door. As soon as the door closed behind me, I turned the other way and started walking to the bathroom.

I don't have time to get detention from stupid office workers. I finally reached the bathrooms, sighing as I pushed open the door, walking in. As soon as my leg hit the floor, I could sense something wasn't right. The water was turned on and the lights were off. Then it came. Suddenly, my face was accompanied by a huge hit, right in my jaw. I fell to the floor, pissed. "What the fuck..." I groaned. I tried to get back up, but I got laid on and punched, several times until my mind was fuzzy. Last thing I saw was the lights turning on, and hearing a gasp. Then I blacked out.

I woke up in the nurses office, Mrs. Charlie sitting on the stool beside me, reading some old fashion makeup book. I turned my head to her, and she looked up at me. When she saw my face she looked sympathetic, but it quickly turned to annoyance. She was a tiny, dark skinned lady, plump and short. She had short, curly hair, and she always wore sundresses colored yellow or orange. She was usually sweet, but she would not tolerate bad behavior.
I sat up, still feeling dizzy. "What the hell happened?" I said, rubbing my head gently. "Language. I don't exactly know who, but someone attacked you as you went into the bathroom, as you were supposed to be going to the office." She glared at me, finishing off her sentence. " we're trying to figure it out, but no one will confess." I started getting up, out of the cold chair. "Don't bother ," I groaned. "I don't give a shit." And with that, I walked out of the door way, walking home from that shit hole.

I got home around 15 minutes later, plopping my stuff on the kitchen counter. "Hola, mamá." I said to my mother, who was sitting on the couch, watching some old person show on TV. She turned to answer me , and I knew  what was gonna happen. She instantly stood up from the couch, and came flaunting at me, flying her hands around me and surrounding me in a tight hug, suffocating me.

¡Dios mío, mi bebé!  ¿Qué diablos pasó, mi niño?  ¿Por qué tu rostro está tan negro y magullado?  alguien te hizo esto?  ¿estás bien? (Oh my god, my baby, what the hell happened, my son? Why is your face so black and bruised? Did someone do this to you, are you okay?) She exclaimed, pushing my bandanna off, trying to get a better look at my bruised face. "Estoy bien, mamá, un par de personas me asaltaron cuando volvía de la escuela.  pensaron que era otra persona, se disculparon después de darse cuenta de que era otra persona." ( I'm okay, mom. A couple of people jumped me when I was coming back from school. They thought it was someone else. They apologized after they realized it was another person. ) She looked at me, a real long time, trying to see if I was lying. She probably knew I was, but she let it go. "bueno, mi amado hijo, si necesitas que alguna vez golpee el trasero de alguien por ti, te estaré esperando aquí con mis zapatos" (okay, my beloved son. If you ever need me to smack someone's ass for you, I'll be here with my shoes) I chuckled at her joke, and gave her a fake smile with a thumbs up, before walking to my room, and gently slamming the door.

I plunged onto my bed, a sick feeling lingering in my stomach. "God, everything is so annoying." I groaned. But then, I remembered the one thing I could never think was annoying. My beloved boyfriend, Finney  Blake. I quickly ran to the other side of the house, grabbing the house phone and dialing the Blake family's number. His dad answered, saying a simple "hello?" Well this was awkward. I've never even met Finn's dad, but here goes nothing. "Hi, this is robin. Can I speak to finney please?" Robin tried hard using his manners, he didn't use them much though so he was kind of shit at it. There was a long silence on the phone, and then he started talking. "Hello?" A wave of happiness washed over robin when he heard his sweet boyfriends voice. "Hi, beautiful." Finn instantly had a change of voice. "Robin!" This made robin grin even harder. "Hi baby, come overrrrr, let me kiss your sweet lips!" Finney paused for a second, probably asking his dad. "I'll be there in 15," he finally said. I waited for to her the "click," and then started dancing out of happiness. Before I could do anything else, my mom came into the room. "Hola niño" (hi son) she exclaimed. "Hola, mama" (hi mom) I said, starting to set up the couch for finney and I. "Mi amigo va a venir, es esta bien?" (My friend is coming over, is that okay?) I said, taking some grape sodas out of the refrigerator and setting them on the side table by the couch. "sí, está bien, pero saldré esta noche, así que no estaré aquí." Yes that's ok, but I'm going out tonight, so I will not be here) I would usually be upset that my mom would be going out all night, but I was planning to do some things with finney anyway, so it'd be best if she wasn't here. "Vale, mamá, hasta mañana. te amo." (Okay mom, I'll see you tomorrow. I love you)I said, gesturing that it was okay that she was leaving. "Yo también te amo, hijo. Te veré mañana" (I love you too my son, I'll see you tomorrow) And with that, she smiled, grabbed her purse, and walked out the door.

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