Love me like a Sinner-1

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"Ko-Kongy" an almost broken voice came.

"Arthit" Kongpob called sternly. "How many times have I told you to not call me unless it's very important."

"I-I swear it's important. Please listen to me--"

"Arthit, I told you hundreds of times & I'm telling it to you again. Whatever you feel for me isn't true. You just idolize me that's it. If I hear anything from you again about me & you, I'll be forced to tell it to your parents."

"Then.... then tell them. I also want it. No I don't idolize you or whatsoever. I perfectly know what I feel for you. Don't you dare to look down on my love. I want you truly.

Do you know how much it hurts me when you ignore me? Do you know how much it breaks me when you smile to everyone but not me? It rips my heart apart. It's so painful.

Why I'm not worthy of your attention , your importance, your love?

My family ignored me all my life but you were so good to me. I felt so happy whenever you were around & now you're also doing the same with me. Why?
I'm so fucking--" He starts crying.

"A-Arthit. Calm down Okay! Whatever you're feeling , I get you. You're still younger than me. Being depressed at this age varies on every people. I will talk to your parents okay? We will solve it together. Don't feel down."

"Then tell me You love me." Arthit said still crying on the phone.

"This isn't possible. Why don't you get it? I'm just trying to fix you."

"Fix me? What am I? A broken doll?"

"No I didn't meant that."

"You clearly did Kongy! & you hurt my feelings even more."

"No Arthit you are getting it wrong--"

"I felt it Kongy, I can see through your eyes which you felt to realize. I love you. I can't live like this anymore. I-"

"Arthit what are you saying? Don't do anything stupid Okay? Listen to me--"

"If you aren't ready to love me then what I'm going to live for? I found you like rays of happiness in my life. Good bye Kongy. I lo--"


Beep beep

Kongpob looked at the phone & the call was cut. He quickly dialed on the number again.

"The number you're trying to call is currently switched off. Please try again later. Thank you."

He dialed again & again but same answer. Arthit's phone was switched off.

"Shit!" Kongpob cussed out of anger on himself. Arthit is just a kid. He can't even handle a kid then what is he going to do with his life?

Ignoring Arthit hurts him the same. Everytime the younger is trying to approach him or smiling at him , he ignored him. He tried his best to not look suspicious to everyone's eyes also not to talk to him.

Right at this moment all Kongpob could think is to find Arthit.

"Sir your meeting will be held soon in 20 minutes." Kongpob's assistant informed.

"Cancel it."

"But Sir it's one of the most important meetings. You--"

"I said cancel it! I've somewhere to go." Kongpob answered sternly.

"Okay Sir." Kongpob's assistant bowed her head down. "Shall I call your driver Sir?"

"No I'll drive."

Kongpob rushed to Arthit's dorm room.

"Arthit! Arthit! Arthit!" Kongpob banged his hand on Arthit's door. "Open the door!!"

"Arthit open the door for God's sake!!"

"Sir, You're making too much noise here. You can't shout like this. People are being disturbed." The guard said.

"I'm sorry but He isn't opening the door. I feel like something is wrong with him. Do you have a extra key? So the door could open."

"I can't give you key like this Sir. First I have to see that Mr. Rojnapath has registered your name in the dairy to give the keys or not. Then I can give you the keys."

"What's your name Sir?"

"Ko-Kongy... Kongpob Suttiluck"

"Yes Sir, your name is registered here. You can have the keys."

"Thank you."

Kongpob's world stopped when he saw Arthit in the room. The room was like a blood pool surrounding Arthit in the middle. With slow steps Kongpob walked towards him.

"Art...thit.... Arthit...." His voice trembled.

He held Arthit's cold body in his arms calling out for him. Kongpob pressed his ear to the younger's chest to hear heartbeats & luckily there are some slow heartbeats going on. He was in a verge of crying the worst out.

Kongpob held him tightly in his arms before he rushed to the Hospital.

"Where's the doctor? He-he is in a really bad state. He needs treatment asap. Please someone help me! Please" Kongpob shouted.



"Yes Mr. Suttiluck please don't panic like this. This is a hospital area, you can't make too much noise. The other patients peace will be broken. Enter the patient's name to the receptionist & we'll able to treat him soon." The nurse said.

"Yes! Yes! I'll do it soon. Please save him. Please"

"Please enter the patient's name please." Kongpob rushed to the receptionist.

"What's the patient's name?" The receptionist asked.

"Arthit.... Arthit Rojnapath"

"Are you his family member?"

"No... no"

"What's your name Sir?"

"Kongpob Suttiluck"

"Then we can't admit him Sir. If you're don't have any blood relations with him then we can't--"

"I-I'm his--"

"Mr. Suttiluck your patient has lost a lot of blood. Admit him soon." The nurse from behind said.

"Please please admit him." Kongpob pleaded tearing up again.

"It would be a police case Sir. Our hospital can't recklessly do this. You atleast have to say who is he to you?"

"He..... He is my lover"

"I see. Please fill the forms Sir. We will be admitting him to the I.C.U soon."

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