He is staying with Us-2

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It had been some days Arthit is living in the house. Kongpob is trying to make Arthit comfortable in his house & not to forget to give him some peace of mind so that he wouldn't do the same mistake, he did previously. Kongpob wouldn't deny that if Arthit is not infront of him even for 10 minutes, he started to get anxious. He doesn't want to repeat that situation, he had to face before. It was too dreadful.

Anyway, the state in the house are getting pretty normal with time.

"What the Fuck Arthit!! You ate all the ice-cream I bought?!?!" Khaofang yelled.

Arthit just spared a glance at her then again started playing his game on the phone.

"Hey I'm saying you something!!" Khaofang pushed him on his shoulder.

"Huhh so what?" Arthit said with indiscretion.

"I wrote my name on it just so that you wouldn't eat it! But still you did!! The hell??"

"I can do whatever I want" Arthit said lowly clenching his teeth but it was loud enough to be heard by his sister.

"What the fuck did you said?" Khaofang asked getting angry.

"I said I can do the fuck I want." Arthit said this time looking at her.

Saying Khaofang is angry right now would be an understatement because she was not only angry but also irritated by her brother a lot. It's just only a week that Arthit to live with them. & as Kongpob taking care of him, it is like Arthit had seen the 5 legs of snake, he isn't caring about anything at all.

"ARTHIT!! GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!" Khaofang shouted.

"What is happening here? Can't I do my work peacefully?" Kongpob asked getting out of his office room. These days he is working from home. But the amount of work hadn't been less even a little. Instead his work amount gotten a lot because he had forgotten all his work & focused on Arthit's treatment in the the hospital for 1 & half week. He still is at home to look after Arthit & helping Arthit with his needful stuffs.
Now basically he is working at his office from home almost 24/7.

"Kongyyy" Arthit quickly ran towards him & hugged him. "She is yelling at me!" He complained in his cutesy poor thing voice. His voice sounded nothing like before, like how rudely he was talking with Arthit's sister.

Kongpob looked at Arthit's puppy face then at Khaofang who was shocked to see the sudden transformation of Arthit's behavior towards her & her husband.

"Khaofang, didn't I tell you not to shout at Arthit? He is still recovering. Why are you being so impulsive?"

"Me? Impulsive?" Khaofang asked being shocked. "He is the one who started!! He ate the whole ice-cream tub I brought & then when I--"

"Are we seriously having a argument on a stuff like this?" Kongpob asked tiredly. "So what Arthit ate it? You can buy & eat it again. Seriously I'm so done with you two's bickering every day." Kongpob massaged his temple with his fingers. He is soon going to have a headache.

"I'm-I'm sorry naa Kongy~" Arthit said pouting. "I'm sorry P'Fang, I ate your ice-cream. I shouldn't have done that. I-I didn't see your name on it, so I thought anyone can eat it. I wouldn't do it again." Arthit said looking at her elder sister from the back of Kongpob, holding his shirt.

"You two-faced----"

"KHAOFANG!! What did I said just now? Arthit even said Sorry! Can't you see he's guilty? Why are you being like this now?"

"Arthit go to your room. Khaofang do whatever you were doing. Please don't just bicker like kids again."

Kongpob was working on his laptop when he heard knocks on his door.

"Yes come in" he said.

"Kongy~" Arthit came in holding a pillow in his hand.

"What happened?" Kongpob asked softly turning to him.

"I can't sleep." The younger said as he walked towards Kongpob & stood infront of him.

"Why? Why can't my baby sleep?" Kongpob asked looking at Arthit's cute pout.

Hearing his favorite nickname, Arthit pout even more saying, "You're not sleeping with me?"

"Look I have some work left. Maybe in an hour , I'll finish. You go, I'll be coming soon."

"Nooo~~~ I'm sleepy. You're always doing your work, you must be sleepy too. Do your work later. Sleep with me now. Na~ na~ Naaaa~~~"

Kongpob chuckled at Arthit's cute behavior. He held his hand & kissed on his knuckles, "Baby listen to me na you go to sleep. I'll finish my work real soon. & be with you."

"Kongy just don't listen to me." Arthit commented pouting & frowning at the same time.

"Ohkay tell me what do you want me to do?" Kongpob said sighing while closing his laptop.

But Arthit held his first stopping him not to close the laptop.
"You work but.... I will just...." The younger eyed at Kongpob's lap.

"You wanna sit on my lap?" Kongpob asked. Arthit nodded quickly. "Okay come" He said smiling.

Arthit grinned ear to ear while sitting on his man's lap then snuggled to him wrapping his arms around Kongpob's neck, resting his head on his shoulder.

"Sweet dreams na Baby." Kongpob kissed on the younger's forehead. Arthit snuggled to him.

About a hour later__

"Baby are you awake?"

"Hmm?" Arthit responded sheepishly.

"My work is done here. We will be shifting to our room Okay?" Kong said then held Arthit & stood up making his way to his room.

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