Chapter 66

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Much to Karlie's disappointment, the time had come for her to be separated from her girlfriend. She'd already been pushing her luck as it was, but luckily everyone loves working with her, so she was able to get away with a lot. The hair and makeup team had moved to where she was sitting with the songwriter, allowing the model to continue conversing with her friends and girlfriend while the glam team worked around them.

Conversation flowed around them as stories were shared about Karlie and this group's shenanigans over the years and questions were asked regarding the pair's relationship and the obvious familiarity within certain members of the group. Taylor explained how she's known Lily for years, way back when they both lived in Nashville. Plus, she had met a lot of the models at Cara's birthday party and had hung out with them on several other occasions now. 

Karlie as usual was teased mercilessly about how often she talks about her girlfriend, both by her friends and the stylists working around them. They'd been looking forward to meeting the girl that has Karlie gushing like a lovestruck teenager. It turns out a few of the stylists had actually seen Taylor in passing or heard about her from a few of her famous friends at other events before.

It's not until one of the runners steps in, warning that they really need to be getting to their seats since the show will be starting in about 20 minutes, that they became aware of the time. The model is very reluctant to part from her girlfriend, even with her friends teasing her every second she delays the inevitable.

"I don't want you to go." Karlie pouts, keeping her hands linked with the songwriter's as everyone starts moving for the final show preparations.

"We've spent all morning together." Taylor smiles, completely endeared by her girlfriend's pouting. "Plus, if I don't get out there, they might end up kicking me out. Then you wouldn't get to see me at all."

The model playfully scoffs in mock offense, though it quickly morphs into a smile. "I wouldn't let them kick you out."

"Well, you'll get a chance to test that theory if you don't stop with that cute puppy dog thing you've got going on."

"So the puppy dog eyes and sad pout works? Interesting." Karlie smirks, quickly morphing to a full blown grin. "I thought you were a cat person."

The blonde rolls her eyes but ends up smiling anyway when the model's infectious smile refuses to fade. "You're ridiculous."

"We've established this before you know." The green eyed model teases with a playful huff and roll of her eyes. "You say I'm ridiculous, and then I say 'I know. But you love me anyway'."

"Again," Taylor pauses, teasingly gesturing towards her girlfriend. "Ridiculous."

Karlie shrugs innocently. "Guilty as charged."

The songwriter sighs in exasperation, deciding to put an end to this before they really do get in trouble. "Okay. I really do have to go. Kristine is making faces at us and there are at least 6 people behind you waiting for me to go so you can finish getting ready."

"Fine." The model sighs, pulling her girlfriend in for one last hug. "Wouldn't be the first time I've held up a show because I wanted to talk to you."

The blonde sends the model a pointed glare, though she can't keep it up when Karlie smiles like that and looks at her the way she does. "I still can't believe you did that." She shakes her head, recalling the first phone call she ever had with the model. She remembers how nervous she was to be calling this woman who was so completely out of her league. The conversation was a complete disaster on her part, but Karlie was patient and stayed on the phone with her, even though she was in the middle of a show. She remembers the easy banter and the now familiar sweet tone she's become so accustomed to anytime Karlie is talking to her. She knew right away, from that first night they met; that this woman was going to change her life.

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