Chapter 17

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Karlie wakes up with a throbbing ache in her forehead. Her head feels extremely heavy and she quickly remembers all the shots Jourdan and Cara had gotten her to take last night. Just thinking about it makes her stomach queasy. All she wants to do right now is roll over, throw a pillow over her head, and block everything out until she wakes up again.

Karlie lets out a small groan, attempting to roll over and do just that, but she's quickly struck with the realization that she's not alone. She can feel another body pressing against her back, there's an arm securely draped over her waist, and she can feel soft puffs of air on the back of her neck.

The model's body tenses in a panic, trying to recall if she did anything stupid last night. Swallowing her fear, Karlie turns her head to look behind her. She instantly relaxes at the sight of a familiar blue eyed blonde.

Bits and pieces of the night start coming back to her. She remembers texting Taylor throughout the night. She vaguely remembers the blonde coming to the bar to find her; the thought of the girl going through all that trouble to take care of her warmed her heart.

There was a familiar tingling sensation running throughout her body, and the sight of the blonde sleeping peacefully was like the sun shining through the fog of everything she couldn't remember. Now she recalled the quiet cab ride home, she remembers ordering pizza and relaxing on the couch to watch a movie. 'Oh god, I picked the Power Rangers movie of all things? Girls really love that one. Nice one Kloss.'

She distinctly remembered wrapping the blonde up in a blanket, her warm body leaning against her own. She remembers running her fingers through Taylor's hair and the cute little humming sound that escaped the girl's mouth. She recalls the happiness she felt holding when holding the girl in her arms. Everything felt so easy and familiar. They must have switched positions at some point in the night because she woke up in the Taylor's arms instead.

Karlie shifts her body slightly to get a better look at the girl that never seemed to leave her mind. She watches the steady rise and fall of her chest, the small breaths of air coming out of slightly parted lips. Those captivating blue eyes were hidden under pale eyelids that occasionally twitched and fluttered, the girl possibly in some sort of dream.

Karlie smiled at the thought; she believed the girl lying next to her was something straight out of a dream. The model felt all the air leave her body as beautiful blue eyes blinked open, immediately locking onto her own.


The familiar softness of Taylor's voice is thickly laced with sleep and replaced with a slight rasp and Karlie finds the sound to be incredibly alluring.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything?" Taylor asks, pushing herself slightly off the cushion as she tries to blink away the sleep from her eyes. She looks down and her eyes lock on the most brilliant shade of emerald green eyes staring back at her.

Karlie smiles softly at the concerned look on Taylor's face. Even with her aching body and the pounding in her head, the model felt like she had woken up in a dream. Everything else seemed to fade away as she lost herself in the depths of Taylor's eyes. The throbbing in her head lessened, the aching muscles from laying on the couch no longer seemed to bother her, and all she could focus on was the girl in front of her.

Like the way her normally lightly curled blonde hairs seemed to have more of a curl to them, even though they were clearly mussed from sleep. Karlie wasn't sure how, but Taylor made bedhead look really good. Those bright blue eyes looked so calm and peaceful, the remnants of sleep no longer evident.

The sunlight streaming in through the bay window cast a soft glow on the room, and Karlie thought the girl looked absolutely radiant. The model found herself wishing she could wake up to this every day.

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