Chapter 22

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Taylor wakes up to a feeling of warmth pressed all over. It takes her a moment to realize she's not laying curled up alone in her much too empty bed, but instead she's laying curled up on her couch with a warm body perfectly molded against her. Karlie's arms are around her, holding her close and she can feel the girl's soft breaths on the back of her neck. She can't help but smile thinking back to everything that happened yesterday.

The night had definitely not gone as planned, but she couldn't really find it in herself to care, not after the way things turned out. Dinner was nice, as was getting to know more about each other. She really didn't expect the whole "will you be my girlfriend" thing and she knows she could have let her fears and insecurities get the best of her and ruin everything by pushing Karlie away.

But waking up in Karlie's arms right now, feeling her girlfriend's calm steady breathing, her soothing presence; she knows she made the right decision. Karlie was worth facing her fears for. This girl already means so much to her, and she doesn't want to imagine what her life would be like if she hadn't gone out with her friends that night.

Her friends. 'Oh god.'  She thinks, reaching over to feel for her phone on the table. She picks it up and glances at the screen and sure enough, there were about 70 missed calls, 30 voice mails, over a hundred new text messages, and an ungodly amount of Instagram notifications. She sighs as she places her phone back on the table.

She hears Karlie let out a small groan and then feels the model pulling her closer, tightening her hold. Taylor smiles and quickly snuggles back into the warmth of her girlfriend. She lies there on the couch and soaks in everything she's feeling. It's been months since she's been held like this, aside from the night Karlie got drunk and Taylor had gone over there to take care of her. But even then, she was the one holding Karlie, and that was really only because she wanted to wake up if Karlie got sick.

She misses falling asleep cuddling with someone and being able to wake up with them the next morning. She misses how it feels having someone hold her close and make her feel safe and warm. But that's what Karlie does. She's just open and warm and it's so comforting.

She thinks back to how Karlie tried to leave after catching Taylor falling asleep a few episodes in, insisting the songwriter go to sleep, but after a lighthearted argument that led to finding out the model had tomorrow off, Taylor put on her best pout and sad puppy dog eyes, and Karlie was obviously putty in her girlfriend's hands because honestly, she didn't want to leave anyway. So they went back to their previous position, cuddled up on the couch watching the show until they both eventually fell asleep.

After laying there for a few more minutes, Taylor decides to get up and make some breakfast for her girlfriend. She carefully untangles herself from Karlie's hold, grabs her phone off the table, and makes her way into the kitchen. The songwriter plugs her phone into the charger on the counter and starts making a pot of coffee.

As the coffee brews, Taylor stretches and lets out a yawn, surprised by her breath. She quickly runs to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Once she's done with brushing her teeth, she decides to wash her face as well, since she fell asleep before taking her makeup off. When she comes out of the bathroom, the coffee is almost done, so she makes her way to the fridge to see what she can throw together for breakfast.

Unsure of what exactly her girlfriend would like, she settles for something simple and pulls out the fixings for an omelette. Taylor places everything on the counter and as she reaches for a knife and cutting board, her phone lights up with an incoming call. She glances at the caller id and chuckles before putting the knife down to answer the phone, knowing she was going to be dealing with lots of these calls today.

"Hello?" She tentatively answers, bracing herself for what was to come.

"Taylor Alison Swift!! Why haven't you responded to any of my calls or texts?"

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