Chapter 35

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"Honey I rose up from the dead... I do it all the time."

Sorry guys. I know it's been awhile. I don't wanna bore you with the details.. so I hope you all like what comes next!


"Karlie, I think it's gonna rain."

"Babe, relax. I checked the weather before we left. It's not supposed to rain today."

"Maybe we should head back." Taylor says as she glances up st the sky, seeing dark grey clouds forming to block out the sun that was shining only moments ago. There was also a noticeable change as the temperature dropped and a steady breeze that definitely wasn't there before that made the songwriter weary as she returns her gaze to her girlfriend. "It looks like it's gonna start pouring any minute and I don't know about you, but I don't want to be stuck out here when it does."

"But..." Karlie drags out, "If it doesn't rain, then we came all this way and went all the way back home for nothing." She says as she pouts dramatically.

Taylor shoots her girlfriend a disapproving look, but says nothing as she sighs in defeat. The model looks away and grins, happy to accept the small victory.

Since returning home from vacation, both girls had been incredibly busy. Karlie was constantly bouncing from meeting to meeting, adding more campaigns to her already busy schedule. Taylor had been in the studio almost daily, working with loads of new artists on top of keeping up with her previous appointments.

Other than a quick exchange of text messages and a few short phone calls, they really hadn't seen each other since the 4th. The girls finally had some free time in their schedules and that's how Taylor ended up at Karlie's; expecting a lazy day in, but her girlfriend surprised her by planning something to celebrate their one month anniversary.

The model's victory was short lived as only a few minutes later, a large rain drop landed on the songwriter's nose, quickly followed by several more stray drops landing on her cheeks. Taylor turns her head to glare at Karlie but quickly looks up as she is startled by a loud crack, immediately followed by a flash of lightning lighting up the sky. Her eyes close in disbelief at the sudden turn of events.

The blonde is startled out of her thoughts as Karlie throws her head back laughing. Taylor shoots her a confused look, but the model just shakes her head and keeps laughing.

"What am I going to do with you?" The songwriter laughs, shaking her head lightly.

The model simply shrugs her shoulders and smiles from ear to ear. She then gestures for Taylor to hop on her back. "Come on. Maybe if we hurry, I can get us back before it gets bad."

Taylor rolls her eyes, reluctantly deciding to hop on her girlfriend's back. Karlie bends down slightly, making it easier for Taylor to climb on. The songwriter wraps her arms over the model's shoulders before bringing her legs up to wrap around her girlfriend's waist. "Please be careful. And make sure you put me down if you need to." She implores, knowing the model most likely won't listen.

Karlie adjusts her grip on Taylor's thighs before straightening her legs. "Just hold on tight baby. I've got you."

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