Chapter 3

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"I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing." Taylor mumbled to herself as she sat in a mound of clothing she had pulled out of her drawers. "Like, what am I supposed to wear? It's just casual right? I mean... this isn't a date or anything,"

Taylor completely froze at that thought. "Oh my god. It's not supposed to be a date right? We're just hanging out. I don't have anything to wear for a date!" Her mind was going into overdrive, completely overanalyzing everything that had happened the last few days.

Taylor looked over to her two cats lounging on her bed. "This isn't a date right? We're just meeting up to talk for a bit. Get to know each other better."

'Umm, that sounds like a date to me. Meeting up, getting to know someone; that's kind of how dating works.'

'Do you want this to be a date? Don't you like her?'

Taylor collapsed onto her bed, laying on her back staring at the ceiling while her thoughts consumed her.

'Do I want this to be a date? I do like her a lot. But what if she doesn't see it as a date?'

Pulling her from her thoughts, Taylor's phone went off, signaling a new message. She groaned as she got off the bed, walking over to her dresser where her phone was.

"Brazilia Café.  It's on Broadway, between 4th street and Great Jones street. Be there or be square."

Taylor threw her head back and burst out laughing reading the last part of the text. It took her a few moments to compose herself.

"Did you really just tell me to be there or be square? Who even says that anymore?? :P"

She looked back down at the screen and burst out laughing all over again. There have been several times when Karlie has texted her that Taylor was more likely to believe she was talking to a 10 year old boy instead of a 20 something year old female supermodel.

"Umm.. I say that. Duh! :/"

"But seriously, does that work for you? Or would you rather go somewhere else?"

Taylor smiled at the response. Karlie was always making sure she was ok with the plans and always asked Taylor if there was something she'd rather do.

"That sounds perfect :)"

"Great. So.. I'm leaving in like 20 minutes. I'll see you there?"

Taylor could feel that familiar fluttering in her stomach. She was going to see Karlie today. The thought of seeing those green eyes and that perfect smile sent chills through her body.

"See you soon Karlie :)"

Taylor put her phone down on her bed and returned to the messy mass of clothing she had in her room. She had to make a decision because she still had so much to do and she didn't want to keep Karlie waiting.

Deciding to go for something comfortable and casual, Taylor grabbed a gray sweater and a maroon colored skirt and paired it with short black ankle boots. Satisfied with her choice, Taylor went into the bathroom to put on some make up. Opting for a more subtle look, she decided a little bit of eyeliner, some light eye shadow, and a little mascara.

Taylor took one last look in the mirror, checking to make sure she looked ok. Taking a deep breath, she grabbed her purse and keys and headed out to meet up with Karlie.

Taylor knew based on the street names Karlie gave her that the café wasn't far away. It was only a few blocks from where she lived so it would only be a 10 minute walk or so.

The whole walk over, Taylor wasn't really nervous about seeing Karlie. If anything, she was really excited to see her again. The girl just had this infectious energy about her and Taylor couldn't wait to get to know her better.

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