Chapter 43

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As the fire died down and the night got colder, the girls decided to call it a night and head inside. Karlie made sure to put the lid on the fire pit and used some pool water to make sure the fire was out before turning in. Taylor blew out the candles on the table and cleaned up their cups, grabbing her guitar to take everything inside, knowing Karlie would be right behind her.

"I can't believe how fast it got cold out there." Karlie says, sliding the door shut and locking it behind her.

"I don't know how you made it so long. I have your sweatshirt on and I was still freezing."

"You should've said something." Karlie sighs, crossing the room to take the songwriter's hands in her own. "We could've come in sooner." She says, bringing their hands up to her mouth and breathing on them; hoping to warm the blonde up a little.

"It wasn't that bad." Taylor blushes; amazed that small thoughtful gestures from her girlfriend still manage to catch her off guard and take her breath away.

"So stubborn." Karlie whispers, pressing a kiss to the blonde's hands. "Thank you for everything. Today was incredible. It was definitely too much, but thank you."

Taylor can't help but smile, hear heart bursting with overwhelming amounts of love for this girl. "You're welcome."

"Come on." Karlie lowers their hands, tugging them gently as she leans back towards the doorway. "Let's get ready for bed." The songwriter follows, letting herself be pulled along. The two girls head up the stairs, making their way to the model's room.

"You can use the bathroom first if you want." Karlie offers, knowing her girlfriend would appreciate the privacy.

Taylor nods shyly, gathering her stuff from her bag and heading to the bathroom to change. Karlie peels off her clothes and quickly changes into her pajamas. She goes to her dresser and grabs a hair tie, throwing her hair up in a messy bun. The model walks over to the bathroom door and knocks. "Baby? Are you almost done?"

The songwriter opens the door, using a towel to dry her face. "I just need to take out my contacts and brush my teeth. You can use it though if you need to." She offers, stepping to the side to let her girlfriend in.

"You're fine." Karlie says, stepping into the bathroom. "I just wanted to wash my face and brush my teeth." She pulls out her face wash and turns the faucet on, letting the water run for a moment to warm up.

The girls stand side by side, Karlie washing her face while Taylor adds solution to her contacts case and slips her glasses on; each girl doing their own things while occupying the same space. It all feels so routine and natural, like they'd done this for years. Both girls brush their teeth, exchanging shy smiles each time one rinses or spits. Once they're finished, they head to bed.

Taylor climbs in first and Karlie shuts the lights off, slipping in after her and cuddling right up to the blonde. Taylor snuggles back, both girls shuffling and shifting to get more comfortable. "Your feet are freezing." Karlie whispers, adjusting her body to wrap even more around her girl to help keep her warm.

"How are you always so warm?"

"Midwest blood I guess? Between living here and in New York, you get used to the cold."

"No. It's more than that." Taylor disagrees, feeling the full effect of the model's body heat being pressed against her own. "It's just you. You're always warm; you're literally sunshine."

Karlie hides her smile and her blush by pressing a kiss to the base of the blonde's neck, pulling her impossibly closer. Taylor sighs, laying her arms over the model's. The way Karlie's holding her makes her feel so comfortable and safe. There's something heavy sitting in the room. Taylor can feel Karlie's eyes on her. There's so much they both want to say, but neither is sure how to bring it up.

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