Chapter 48

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Taylor was in the bathroom getting ready for bed while the model wrapped up her phone call with her management. She apologized for her behavior earlier and promised to be in early to make up for it. When she explained the situation and Taylor's health scare, she was surprised to find they were so understanding. She had expected a lot more scolding and a discussion on how unlike her it was, but there was none of that. They were all genuinely worried for her and asked question about the state of Taylor's health and wished her the best, promising to take care of things so tomorrow would go smoothly. She had just ended the call as the songwriter emerged from the bathroom.

"Everything okay?' She asks, tentatively stepping towards the model propped up in bed. She was worried Karlie would be in a world of trouble and the last thing she wanted was to add more stress to her job.

Karlie sets her phone down on the nightstand, plugging it into the charger. She rolls over, facing the blonde with a smile. "Surprisingly, yeah." She chuckles.

Seeing the model relaxed and smiling, the songwriter climbs onto the bed and flashes her own relieved smile. "That's good."

"Yeah, it is. I thought it was gonna be a lot worse."

"I did too honestly. What did they say?"

"Not much. They were pretty understanding once I told them what happened. They asked how you were and everything and they said as long as I come in early tomorrow to make up for the time we lost, everything should be fine."

"That's it?"

Karlie shrugs her shoulders before lifting the covers on her bed and laying down. "I guess."

"Wow." Taylor mumbles, surprised it was that easy. She thought they would give the model hell for it and try to keep them apart or something.

Karlie lays there, watching a million things running through her girlfriend's head. She knows the girl was imagining everything that could've gone wrong, and knowing the blonde, she's probably waiting for something bad to happen. "Hey." The model coos, waiting for the songwriter's eyes to meet hers. When they do, Karlie lifts the covers and pats the space beside her. "Come snuggle."

Taylor sighs as she rolls her eyes in amusement before gazing fondly at the adorable woman beside her. She begins scooting over so she can lay down beside her girlfriend, but apparently she didn't move fast enough because Karlie reaches out and grips her waist, abruptly pulling her down to the mattress before she leans over and tickles her sides relentlessly.

"Karlie! Stop. Oh my god." The songwriter gasps. "Please stop! I don't want to hurt you! KARLIE!" She squeals, twisting and thrashing about in the bed to get away, but the model just continues her assault; smiling at the breathless gasps and boisterous laughter coming from her girlfriend.

"Karlie please! I can't breathe."

The model takes pity on her girlfriend and stops torturing her, instead propping her arm up and resting her head in her hand, gazing lovingly at the songwriter.

Taylor blushes under the intensity and love she sees in those expressive green eyes. It's still overwhelming for her to be able to physically see how much the model cares for her. She's never had anything like that before. And she knows she's not enough for Karlie. She knows the girl could do so much better than her, so when Karlie looks at her like that, it hurts because she doesn't deserve to be looked at like that.

"Hey." The model whispers, leaning forward and brushing a kiss to he blonde's forehead, her hand following as she cards her fingers though her hair. "Where'd you go just now?" She asks, seeing that far off look in Taylor's eyes.

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