Chapter 31

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"So have you talked to Taylor about your plans for the 4th yet?"

"Umm... Not exactly."

"You're kind of running out of time sweetie. That's only a few days away."

"I know Mom." Karlie sighs, painfully aware of how fast the holiday is approaching. "There just hasn't really been a good time to bring it up. We've both been pretty busy with work lately and then there's-" She pauses, not wanting to bring up her recent troubles with the media. "There's just a lot of other stuff that's been going on."

"Ah." Tracy hums, knowing very well what her daughter was implying. "By other stuff, are you referring to the magazine cover?"

The model cringes. That's not something she wanted her mother to find out about. "You saw that?"

"I did." Tracy says quietly. "Your sister showed me."

Karlie scoffs. "Of course she did." She knows Kimby stays up to date with all that stuff, so she's really not even surprised.

"I'm a little surprised I had to hear about it through your sister though."

"I know. I was going to tell you about it. I guess it just... slipped my mind. You know, with everything-"

"With everything going on." Tracy finishes for her. "I get it."

"So, when is Kris getting there?" Karlie asks, wanting to change the subject.

"She gets in on Thursday and she's staying until Monday. Nice deflection by the way."

Karlie can hear muffled voices in the background and assumes it must be one of her sisters. She's proven correct when Tracy says, "Kimby wants to talk to you."

"Sup loser?"

Karlie rolls her eyes. "You tell me. You're the one that high jacked my phone call with mom."

"Ouch. Someone's grumpy. Are you and your girl fighting? Is she coming here for the 4th? Is she mad about the pictures and the magazine? Oh my gosh, is she dumping you?"

"Kimby." Karlie warns, gritting her teeth so she doesn't blow up at her sister.

"What? I'm just asking."

The model takes a deep breath to calm herself. "Taylor and I are fine. Thanks for your concern though." She sasses.

"Is she coming with you for the 4th?"

"I don't know. I don't think so." Karlie sighs.

"Why not?"

"Because she might have plans with her own family and maybe I don't want to subject her to your weirdness and scare her off."

"Wait, she might have plans? You mean you haven't even asked her?"


"You idiot! Why haven't you asked her yet? You now that's this weekend right?"

"Thank you Captain Obvious. Yes, I'm aware." Karlie says sarcastically.

"So why haven't you grown a pair and asked her?"

Karlie closes her eyes and pinches the bridge of her nose, warding off an oncoming headache. "It's not that simple."

"Yes it is. You're just making it difficult."

"You're really pushing it you know."

"Well you won't know the answer if you don't ask, so you're just being dumb by not even trying."

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