Chapter 57

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With fashion week looming in just a few short days, the model found herself at another fitting, making sure all her garments fit perfectly for the show. She was completely exhausted, having gotten up around 5 am to make sure she could squeeze in a workout before her first fitting at 7. 

This was her third fitting today, and she still had a meeting and one more fitting to go to later. Normally she wouldn't have so many in one day, but she was losing three whole days because her mini vacation with Taylor was the last available weekend before the shows.

As if Karlie wasn't already stressed enough with the upcoming fashion shows, she also had to deal with more inquiries and questions being thrown at her about her relationship. It seems like that's all anyone wanted to talk about; whether it was a hairdresser or designer, or a nosy gossip columnist, or even her own team pressuring her for answers. 

Needless to say, Karlie was incredibly frustrated at having all the extra attention focused on the one thing in her life she desperately wanted to remain untouched by her world.

Though, if she was being honest with herself, she had known this was coming. It's something that unfortunately comes with the type of career she has. She had grown up in a time when social media became instrumental in creating connections and growing a fanbase. It also opened the window for a whole new level of criticism and scrutiny that she had never been exposed to. 

Even the most simple post of a picture of her family or what she was eating could garner up comments telling her what and how to eat, or telling her how ugly she was, or even wishing she would die, all from people she had never even met. Of course, those were the extremes, and more often than not, she would see comments expressing love and support.

But it's that kind of unprovoked scrutiny that made her so cautious and protective of her relationship. The last thing she wanted was for her girlfriend to start being harassed by faceless trolls on the internet, or gossip bloggers and crappy journalists looking for a click bait headline to write hurtful things and weave completely fabricated lies in attempts at tarnishing the best thing to ever happen to her.

Because gossip unfortunately still sells. Rumors spread like wildfire and anyone can post or write anything thanks to "anonymous sources" or "someone close to" whoever they're writing about. They don't care how inaccurate the content it, as long as the story sells. 

The only people that have to face any kind of repercussions are the people that are written about. Or the people close to them that have to see these stories and headlines. Sure, they know the truth. But it gets harder to defend yourself when so many more people are willing to believe a lie because they read it online somewhere, than to believe your words.

That's one of the reason's she wanted to plan this vacation for them. They had both been ridiculously busy lately and she wanted to take Taylor some place where they could just unwind and get away from everything, even if only for a few days. 

"Okay Karlie. I think we have everything we need." One of the assistants say as another one helps the model out of her outfit. "I'll send Cathy in to do your makeup and once they give us the okay on that, you'll be good to go."

"Awesome. Thanks Amy." The model smiles at the retreating woman, slumping in her chair and sighing in relief as the door clicks shut. It was moments like this when she almost wished she had chosen a different career. 

It wasn't that she didn't like her job anymore. She loved getting to travel and model for designers all around the world. She was incredibly grateful for all the opportunities her career had given her. 

But every now and then, usually in moments when she was really stressed and exhausted, she almost wishes she could be normal. What it would be like to not have to run basic decisions by a whole team of people that believe they know better. What it would be like to just be able to post a picture with her girlfriend and not have to worry if some designer would see it and not want to hire her because of their archaic belief system. What it would be like to be able to walk down the street holding her girlfriend's hand and not have to worry about it ending up on some trashy magazine or in some article online.

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