L'amour d'une mère

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Sophie returned to their house with Jean in her arms. She promised her child that she will never leave him. He is the only reminder of her and Louis' love. "je time mon fils, Maman sera là pour toi, Toujours." Sophie kissed little Jean's forehead. She fell asleep with Jean on the rocking chair. She felt tired from stopping Louis earlier.

Time went by quickly, and Sophie worked double the time. She would leave Jean at her neighbour's while she was at school and she would pick him up when she is done with her part-time job. She lets go of working at the Bar as it only brings sad memories. She is also a young Mom, and she felt like it will be inappropriate for her to work there now that she has a baby. "merci monsieur de m'avoir laissé travailler ici, Mais il faudrait que je trouve un autre travail" she said as she bid farewell to her friend owner. "It's alright Sophie! Be stronger! I know you are a good person! By the way, I have a friend who owns a small bakery, I would recommend you as the la caissière.

The same day, Sophie went to visit that Bakery and talked to the owner. " oui, votre ancien patron Vous a référé à nous. Nous serons heureux de Vous avoir ici!" Sophie smiled widely, she cannot contain her happiness. Finally, she will get to sleep with Jean like at night time, as normal mothers do. That 2 months were tedious for her and the baby and the neighbours as well, they have to wake up in the middle of the night so that Sophie could get Jean from them. The elder neighbours were kind enough and helped Sophie and Jean with full hearts.

Sophie busied herself with a lot of things, especially with motherhood. She did her best to raise her son well. She didn't know what happened to Louis, he disappeared from their lives completely. Sophie grew strong. She graduated from School and was able to get a decent job. Some guys were attracted to her, but she shut her door. Although there were times that somehow, she is still longing for Louis. Her life is just centred on Jean. " je time maman! Nous serons ensemble pour Toujours!" Said the 6-year-old Jean to his mother who fell asleep reading him his favourite story, three little bears. He kissed her forehead and wiped the tear from the side of her face. " bonne nuit maman!" he whispered and then slowly walked to his room.

Jean was living a happy life, his mother was able to provide for him. One day, his mother got home and talked to him. "Jean, I met someone." And there was Jean, speechless.

Jean was in his college when his mother talked to him about having a family again. He knows he wanted to say a word or congratulate her. But he was just seated on his seat, no word came out of his mouth. It took a while for him to absorb everything.


"Where are we heading?" Jean asked Hélène. "Just drive!" Hélène said looking at the tinted glass windows of her car. Jean then focused his eyes on the road.


" pripravljena je na porod," said the older lady. "Push!" said the midwife and the beautiful baby girl came out. " What will you name her?" asked the older lady to the mother. " I don't want her! name her whatever you want! " the young woman said and ordered the nurse to get the baby out of the room. "I'll take care of her if you don't want her!" said the older woman. "Go ahead!"
said Aleksandra. That baby doesn't deserve my care! She is with a demon father.


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Eva, the older lady went to the Nursery and stared at the beautiful baby girl, " I will take care of you, my grandchild!" she as said she talked to herself while looking at the baby girl from the window. "Hélène, you will be named Hélène" it suits your pretty face.

Aleksandra was forced to marry a french guy which she curses to death and the product of that forced marriage was Hélène. Aleksandra was 18 when Eva forced her to marry a French businessman who was based in Slovenia.

Aleksandra was so angry at her mother for forcing her to marry and it affected her with Hélène. She didn't feel anything for her daughter. After giving birth, Aleksandra escaped the hospital. A few hours after giving birth, She staged an illness, the Doctor and nurses came to see her, but what she did was unexpected. Aleksandra kicked the Nurse and hit the Doctor with the stainless tray on the head and then she ran away and was never found.

Eva discharged Hélène from the hospital and went home to their house. François, Eva's son-in-law just got home from a business trip. He held Hélène in his arms for the first time. " rad te imam, Moja hči, tvoja babies in Jaz Bova skrbela date. " then he kissed her cheek.

A few weeks after, François decided to leave and get back to France. They left Aleksandra behind. Eva and François didn't want to know that Hélène was abandoned from birth. They wanted the child to have a new life.

They reached François' chateaux in Nice which was his birthplace. Eva raised Hélène while her father was busy growing their winery business. Hélène lived a lavish life. Growing up, she didn't look for her mother. Her grandmother and father were enough for her. She thought her fairy-tale life will never end. Until one day, she found her Father on the doorstep, laying on the ground. She was 14.

They weren't aware of any enemy. Except for one person who hated him to death, Aleksandra. All the investigations were made but nothing leads to her. The criminal isn't found.


" Follow that Truck!" Hélène ordered. They were on the Freeway. Jean followed her and drove quietly. He tried to ask himself where they are exactly going.

A/n: Hi guys! Here's tonight's chapter. Sorry, It was a little late. But yeah, A lot of Flashbacks here, just to give you a clearer picture before we resume action!

Where do you think their head is? Who killed François? This is overwhelming and interesting at the same time.

A lot of Tears were shed making the 2 chapters. 😭 Motherhood is my soft spot.

If you like this chapter please give it a ⭐and comment with your thoughts. Hope y'all have a Great Day ahead!

Borahae 💜


poijeunaibi 🖤

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