Les deux frères

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Jean woke up from the bathtub. He had no clue that he was out for 7 days! That was his first time and the damage must've been severe which is why it took a while for him to recover and for the wax and formula to take effect. He talked to himself as he was struggling to get up from the tub. The Repairman left him alone when he saw him earlier. It was early in the morning. " Comment suis-je arrivé ici?" he hold on to his stomach as he headed out.

 " Comment suis-je arrivé ici?" he hold on to his stomach as he headed out

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He was trying to get some breath walking the main chateaux. A car blasting music passed by. It was so fast that it almost ran over him. "regarde où tu vas connard !" yelled the guy from the car. Jean didn't realize who it was until he recalled that savage mouth. It was Adrien. "Wait!" Jean yelled as he attempted to ask for help. Before he even approached Adrien. The car was long gone. Jean miraculously got inside and head to his room.

As he was on his way, he passed by one of the halls. And he saw Adrien making a bold move towards Hélène. He tried to forcefully kiss her but Hélène was quick to slap him in the face. "j'ai dit stop! Je ne fais pas partie des filles de tes jeux Adrien!" Hélène kicked him between his legs and walked out. Jean pretended he didn't see or hear anything. He knows Hélène can defend herself. He almost reached his room when a hand grabbed him. "ça t'a pris du temps chérie! "Hélène said as she helped her reach his room. " Hmm- yeah!" Jean replied feeling shy. He tried to hide whatever it is he is feeling at that moment. "Rest for now! you will need it, we will resume the next day. "Hélène carefully helped him lay down on his bed. " Te-thank you!" Jean said as he felt shy again. Hélène didn't reply. She walked to the door and gently closed it.


Étienne is in the library. He just got the names that came out of the loom. He used the Binary codes that were taught to him by his Dad. He recalls him and Adrien growing up in Vaucluse, one of the poor provinces in Southern France. The innocent children then tried to enjoy the little things in life. They didn't have any clue that their father was one of the members of the Fraternity.

Étienne was 12 and Adrien was 10 when they were orphaned. They roam the streets to seek help and get food to survive. Adrien was only 10 when their father was shot right in front of their eyes. They didn't know then who killed their father André.

Then they came across a kind-looking guy, Louis. Louis was headed back to the Chateaux in Marseille, their base. On the way there hew saw 2 kids, asking for alms so that they could buy food. He felt pity for the two boys who were all dirty and seemed like they didn't eat for ages. " venez avec moi les gars!" Louis said to them as he gave them a piece of bread. Louis then thought that since he didn't have Jean and Sophie with him, he will treat the two kids as his own, although he was just 24 then. He felt like he will be their 'Papa'.

But a lot of things happened. " We treated him as our Father!, Still.." Étienne murmured to himself. Adrien stepped inside the library and talked to his older brother. "What are you up to? he asked as his eyes met with the list of names that were on the 'target list'. " "Here's yours!" Étienne gave him his list. "s'occuper de ça et pas d'autre chose!" Étienne irritably said. "I know what show you are trying to put up to, Brother! stop that now!" Étienne said in a serious tone. Adrien got upset and walked out of the room. "Show? what does he mean by that! I think I love her! and it's not a show!" Adrien talked to himself walking back on his way to his room.

 "Show? what does he mean by that! I think I love her! and it's not a show!" Adrien talked to himself walking back on his way to his room

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Adrien stared at the photo that was on his side table. The only photo that he have saved. He loves his brother so much, and he knows he won't be able to live without him. Aside from the person whom they treated as their second parent, Louis. He will always have so much respect and love for him. They are 'best friends'. After a while his eyes grew tired. He had late night, he just got home from the club.


Jean was on his way to the kitchen when he came across Hélène. He stood from the bed as he felt hunger and thought of going to the kitchen to grab something to eat. " Breakfast?" Jean asked as he battled with himself not to smile widely in front of her. "Yes!" Hélène replied in her sultry voice. They went together to the kitchen. Hélène helped him to walk. They were silent as he have his arms swung on Hélène's sexy shoulders. Jean felt shy, he didn't know what's going on with him, all he knows that 'this attraction' that he is feeling towards Hélène just keeps getting stronger. They reached the Dining and Hélène was the one who prepared food for them. They talked about mostly everything but same as others. They don't talk about personal stuff. It's like an Assassin thing to not divulge any 'personal' information, why? because you cannot let your personal business get in the way. You will never know, you might be talking to your target right? That's how the leader before
Hélène and Étienne taught them.

What no one knew about is that ever since Étienne grew his knowledge in the Fraternity, things were starting to stir-up.

Étienne stepped in the kitchen and gave Hélène her list. Jean is still on Training and he is suppose to stick with him until he is ready for his own target.

A/n: Hi guys! So, the supposed double update didn't happen due to tech difficulties. But yep! Here is our episode. They say changes? Personal information? Louis? Hmm.

If you like this chapter please give it a ⭐and comment with your thoughts. Hope y'all have a Great Day ahead!

Borahae 💜


poijeunaibi 🖤

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