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At the time Hélène found out the truth about herself, she was in disbelief. Well, why not? The Last Guardian of the Loom? Part Celestial? God is her Great-Grandfather? Isn't that all too much? 

Hélène was speechless hearing her Grand Father Antoine told her everything. She knows she has a lot of questions, but there were too many to ask. She doesn't even know how to call Guillaume now! "Should it be Uncle Grand Dad?" She doesn't know where to begin. Also, both her Grand Dads look about her age. She is not comfortable calling them Grand Dad when they look in the same age range. " Uncle Guilly is fine!" Guillaume said. He said it first so that Hélène won't be all confused. But Antoine prefers to be called "Gramps, as in short for Grandpa!"Antoine loved it and would never forget, that at some point, he was a human. And he had fallen in love, once."I'll tell you about your Grandmother soon!" Antoine said and hugged Hélène.

That period of Revelation brought the 3 together, they grew closer by the minute. Uncle Guilly and Gramps equipped Hélène with the things she needs to know about the Loom.

After Jean or should we say, Jacques, got discharged from the Hospital, he started to act weird. He would go out for a day or two and Hélène and her granddads didn't know where he goes. That closeness that Jacques and Hélène have were slowly drifting apart.

In Jacques's mind, he keeps on blaming himself. He continued shooting at him without trying to hear what his Father was trying to say. Jacques felt guilty over his father's death. "Was it the twist of Fate?" He asked himself numerous times.

Alone with his adventures to self-recovery, he met a beautiful woman. She introduced herself as Aleksandra. Aleksandra felt comfortable talking to him, she told her what was her life like before. "Oh! You are too?" Jacques asked Aleksandra."Yes, I was!" Aleksandra sadly said. Aleksandra and Jacques became good friends. Until one day, Aleksandra told her of a daughter. "Her name is Hélène!" Aleksandra sadly said. "I never get to know her." She continued.

Jacques learned about Hélène's mother, and he planned for them to meet up. It took weeks for Jacques to bring up such a topic as he didn't want Hélène to be forced in meeting her.

While Jacques tries to reconnect the lost ends between Hélène and her family. He also did some reconnecting on his own. He communicated with his mother Sophie.

"I have always loved him!"Sophie said to Jean. "It's sad that I didn't get to know Papa!"Jean said with tears forming in his eyes. The guilt is always there every time he thinks and talks about Louis. "Don't worry son! Your father is looking at us from the heavens!" Sophie calmly said. Jean finds it comforting hearing Sophie say that. "Maybe Maman, maybe."

While everyone on Earth was finding their peace and trying to move forward with life. Étienne questioned himself numerous times, "why am I here? I feel like I don't belong here!" He knows to himself the sins that he made. Instead of enjoying his stay in the heavens, he felt tortured. It's like an endless guilt trip for him. He is always frowning in the corner while everyone is enjoying 'the happy place'. Until one day, God called him to the Throne. He said sorry for his sins. And as a forgiving God, he asked him what he wants or what will bring him peace.

God gave Étienne to ponder his thoughts. "I know everyone wants Heaven. But it's not the place for me."He said in his head. That time, Luci had a quick visit to Heaven.

"Father! Luci said as he immediately went and hugged his Father, I missed you all here!" Luci said smiling. "I know you were busy down there" God replied. I have a recommendation for you son, See  there's this one soul, he is here right now, and when we had this talk, he said he doesn't belong here!" God discussed this with Luci. Both were thinking hard for a great solution.

Loom of Fate- An ASSASIN'S LOVE STORY | JINMIN (REQUEST)Where stories live. Discover now