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a/n: i just thought i would add that your boyfriend for this story is josh katz from the band badflower. (not to be confused with josh dun from twenty one pilots, although i love him as well)

y/s/o: your starbucks order

one month later

"good morning, babe." i kissed my boyfriend, josh, before going to slip my vans on.

"good morning to you too. where are you going so early?" he asked me.

"oh, i'm meeting up with an old friend for coffee. we ran into each other about a month ago for the first time in almost 10 years so we decided that we'd go for coffee and catch up." i explained. he nodded in acknowledgment.

"that's nice. what's her name?"

"oh it's not a she it's a he. his name is awsten and we grew up together and we used to be really close. he's actually in a band now like you."

"oh..." i could tell josh was a little jealous but he really had no reason to be. i loved him and my feelings for awsten faded years ago. i just missed my best friend. "well, what's his band's name? i'll look them up while you're gone."

"it's waterparks. i'm gonna head out now, so let me know if you like any of their songs. i really like lucky people myself." i told him. he nodded.

"okay, i'll look it up. have fun and stay safe, love."

"i love you, josh."

i went out the door and to my car. awsten and i were just meeting at starbucks again like we did before. i was a little nervous. so many things could have changed over ten years. what if he decided i changed too much and didn't want to rekindle our friendship? what if i felt that way about him?

i pulled into starbucks and parked my car. i went inside and i saw awsten sitting at a table with a cup in front of him and a cup at my seat. there was no doubt he remembered my starbucks order. it had been the same since i even discovered the shop in the first place.

"hey! i got your coffee so you didn't have to. it's still y/s/o right?" awsten greeted me. i smiled and took a seat.

"yup. i'm surprised you remembered." i replied. he just shrugged.

"i'm surprised you haven't changed it." he replied. it was my turn to shrug.

"what can i say? i like consistency."

i took a sip and it was still warm, almost burning my tongue.

"it shouldn't be cold. i only got them about five minutes before you arrived."

"it's just right. thank you, by the way. you didn't have to buy it for me."

"nah, that's just me. you know my mom would kill me if i made you pay for it."

i smiled. i did know that. ginny was always strict on making sure that awsten and gracie had the most polite manners.

"that is true." i agreed, taking a sip. "how is your mom? and gracie."

"they're both doing well. i visited them when we played in houston and they cheered us on at our show." awsten informed me. i nodded in acknowledgement.

"that's good, i'm glad they're good." i said.

"they'll probably both be stoked that we're in contact again. i mean, they loved you, you were like family at one point."

"yeah, it was the same with my family. it's just shit that i had to move. but, it all worked out i guess. minus not seeing each other for so long."

"yeah...but here we are, friends again."

we were silent for a few moments and we both took sips of our coffees.

"so, how was the rest of tour?" i asked awsten.

"it was good, we have a break now so that we can work on our next album which i look forward to. we're calling it greatest hits. we're trying to keep releasing them in alphabetical order but i think we're stopping at g." he explained to me. i nodded.

"that's really cool. i was listening to your guys' music and you're really good. i especially like lucky people."

"yeah, she was probably one of my favorite songs to write. but that's enough about me, how about you? tell me about that boyfriend you were talking about last month. he treats you right, right?"

"yes awsten, he treats me right. his name is josh and he's in a band too. they're called badflower."

"oh that's cool, i'll have to check them out. what's he play?"

"he's the lead singer."

"looks like you have a type." awsten joked. we both laughed and i just shook my head.

"hey, in fairness, when we dated you weren't in a band yet." i reminded him. he shook his head.

"nope, that's not true. i was in the blue poptarts." he then reminded me.

"oh my gosh, how could i have forgotten? you guys were such a big thing around school."

"don't worry, i choose to forget it too. we were...something else."

"i was still your number one supporter."

"that you were."

we continued to talk more about our lives and what had happened over the years while continuing to drink our coffee. i had to admit that it was something i missed more than i had realized. we talked like no time had passed at all.

"well, i should probably get home. i'm pretty sure it's date night with josh and i gotta go home and get ready." i said to awsten. he nodded.

"okay, it was nice seeing you again. we should make plans to hang out again soon if you want. i could introduce you to the band or maybe i could meet that boyfriend of yours eventually." he replied. i nodded.

"yeah, i'm sure we could do that." i agreed. we both got up and decided to hug each other goodbye. it lasted a few moments and i was grateful for that. i really truly did miss him like crazy.

i went out to my car and got my seatbelt on. before i turned it on, i smiled and let out a happy sigh.

i was finally getting my best friend back.

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