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a week later

after a long week of working (i had to pick up more shifts at the diner because i was running low on money to support myself), it was finally saturday and i could chill out. but honestly, i didn't really feel like staying home. i wanted to see awsten. i wondered what he was doing.

as if on que, my phone began to ring, signaling that he was calling me. how did he manage to always do that? it was like he knew i was thinking about him somehow.

"hey!" i answered my phone.

"hey, jellybean!" awsten greeted me. "what are you up to today?"

"it's my first day off in four days, so not a lot really. what about you?"

"i was actually wondering if you wanted to come over? your birthday present is finally here and i wanna give it to you."

"yeah, i'd love to! what time?"

"you can come whenever. when you're ready, just come up." awsten told me.

"okay, i'll see you in a bit, babes." i replied.

"see you soon, love." he then hung up, my stomach doing backflips because of him calling me "love". we weren't exactly on platonic terms anymore, so i couldn't help but blush over any pet name he called me.

i went to my room to get dressed. i wore a simple outfit and slipped on my converse. i then went into my bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth before quickly doing my makeup and grabbing my keys off the kitchen counter.

i went out to my car and started it, plugging my phone into the aux cord. i shuffled my favorite playlist and set my phone down, beginning to drive to chloe, geoff, and awsten's.

as i drove to their house, i sang loudly to rose colored boy by paramore. the entire time, i couldn't help but think of awsten. he was my rose colored boy. he brought optimism to my pessimistic world.

i eventually made it to chloe, geoff, and awsten's and i parked on the street. i went inside and up the stairs, knocking on the door to their apartment when i reached it. i got flashbacks to the last time i was at that house and let out a breath of relief, knowing it was over. the door was eventually opened by awsten, who smiled when he saw me.

"hey, y/n!" the green haired boy greeted me. i smiled.

"hi, aws." i greeted him back. he then moved so i could come in.

"come on in." he said. i walked into the kitchen and i saw rory playing on the floor with her dolls. she looked as happy and content as a nearly two year old could be. it was adorable.

"hey! welcome back!" chloe greeted me. she was sitting near her daughter, likely watching her to make sure she didn't hurt herself.

"hey, chloe! it's nice to see you." i greeted back. i then crouched down and said hi to rory, who just giggled and tried to give me one of her dolls to which i politely said no.

i followed awsten out to the living room, which was empty. i wondered where geoff was.

"sit down, i'm gonna bring you your present." awsten told me. i then sat down on the couch while he disappeared into another room.

i began to wonder what the present could be. i knew it was something that had to come in in order for him to get it, so he probably ordered it online. that still didn't help me, as much as i wanted it to. i hoped it wasn't something expensive though, i hated it when people spent a lot of money on me.

eventually, both awsten and geoff came out into the living room. awsten was holding a box and geoff was following him, smiling widely.

"come here, y/n." awsten told me, sitting on the ground. he put the box in front of him, but didn't let go of it. i then sat in front of him and he passed the box to me.

"merry christmas. well, late christmas." he said.

i opened the box and, much to my surprise, a small brown kitten poke it's head out. i was startled at first and jumped a bit.

"awsten, that's a kitten." i stated the very obvious. he and geoff chuckled.

"it is indeed. a completely brown kitten too, by the way. they're pretty rare." awsten told me. my jaw dropped as i began to play with the small creature. "i had to wait to give her to you because she wasn't old enough to leave her mom yet and i had to get her adoption papers and stuff. do you like her?"

"she's adorable! thank you, aws." i thanked awsten, leaving the kitten alone for a moment to hug the green haired boy. the kitten went to tap at me, as if she was telling me it wasn't cool to direct my attention to someone else.

"i have a litter box, cat litter, cat food, and food dishes for her. no toys, but you might want to grab those. she seems like a wild one."

"perfect for me."

i let the kitten bite at my hand, it not even hurting because of how small she still was.

"what are you gonna name her?" awsten asked me. it only took me two short moments to decide before i smiled.

"belle. like the disney princess." i decided. awsten nodded, moving his hand to pet belle.

"cute. it fits her. knowing you, you'll probably treat her like a princess too." he said. i laughed.

"you know it. i definitely gotta get her some toys though."

just then, rory came running in and her face beamed when she saw belle.

"kitty cat!" she said, running up to us. she plopped down next to the box and began to pet belle. belle nudged herself into rory's hand and began to pur.

"careful, y/n, i think rory might steal your christmas present." awsten laughed.

"nope, nope! not happening, we're not getting a cat." geoff chimed in. "it's bad enough that chloe keeps feeding all the strays outside."

"i heard that!" chloe called from the kitchen. awsten and i chuckled and geoff just shrugged.

"are you guys hungry? if so i'm gonna order a pizza." chloe peaked her head into the living room. we all looked around at each other and nodded in agreement. she then gave a thumbs up and went back to the kitchen.

i picked up belle out of her box and held her close to my face. i began to pet her and awsten pet her too. she was purring like an engine and it was absolutely adorable.

"thank you for this christmas present, aws. i couldn't have asked for a better gift." i thanked awsten.

"you're welcome, jellybean. i just know you said you've wanted a cat for a while so i figured i could get you one so you didn't have to debate it anymore." he replied. i nodded, as he was absolutely right.

awsten then sat down on the couch. i looked at belle and she was fast asleep. i carefully sat down next to awsten, not wanting to wake the kitten up.

i then rested my head on awsten's shoulder and i pet belle more. he joined in and you could see that the cute little brown kitten was smiling.

i smiled happily as i sat with my two favorite beings on earth.

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