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the kiss lasted for a few moments before either of us pulled away.

i don't know what compelled me to do it. yes, i wanted it, but didn't i just tell myself i wasn't going to rush into things? plus, who even knew if awsten wanted it? oh no what if it made things weird between us?

i eventually pulled away and my eyes widened.

"awsten, i'm so sorry! i don't know what i was doing, i don't know why i just wanted to kiss you and now i know i probably made things weird and you're gonna think diff-"

awsten cut my rambling off with another kiss. i melted into this one, feeling some kind of security knowing that he wanted it too. that still didn't tell me what i was supposed to do next, but for a second it didn't matter.

"it's not gonna make things weird and i'm not going to think differently of you, y/n. i've wanted you to kiss me for way longer than i'd like to admit. i liked it." awsten assured me, after pulling away from our second kiss of the night. i smiled.

"can we...can we sit down and talk?" i asked him. he nodded and took my hand, walking me to a quieter place. he walked me to the living room and we sat on the couch.

"i've wanted to kiss you for a while too." i admitted when we sat down. "which, sounds shitty because that meant i wanted you when i was dating josh but i didn't want to admit it to myself. he accepted it before i did though, which is why he dumped me. i don't think i wanted to admit it to myself because while i was realizing i was in love with you again, i was still in love with josh and it made me feel selfish. but, now i'm over josh and it's just you. except, i don't want to rush into a relationship yet because i'm still fresh out of my relationship with josh. you know?"

as i watched awsten absorb the information i threw at him, i realized i did kind of ramble. in fairness, i had been thinking about the whole situation for a while and to finally tell him felt like taking a weight off my shoulders.

"that's...a lot." awsten finally said, with a small laugh. i blushed, embarrassedly, almost regretting saying anything at all. but eventually, he said, "we don't have to rush into anything immediately if you don't want to. i know you just got out of a relationship and i wouldn't do that to you. i'm just shocked you even have feelings for me in the first place. i thought they were long gone."

"yeah...i thought they were too. but, they resurfaced pretty fucking quick, i'm not even going to lie to you. honestly, i'm shocked you still have feelings for me. i didn't think it was possible."

"oh yeah...they've never gone away. i don't know if you remember but at starsbucks i said nobody i dated matched up to you...i wasn't joking."

i blushed and rubbed my neck. if only we never got split apart when i moved to connecticut. then maybe we'd have never broke up and we'd still be together.

it would have made things at least a million times easier.

"so...what do we do now, aws?" i asked the green haired boy that i had just confessed my love to. he took a deep breath.

"like i said, we don't have to rush into anything immediately. chose a pace and we can go at it. i'm down for whatever as long as i get you in the end." he told me, resting his hand on my leg. i blushed again and i realized i probably looked like a tomato with how flustered he was making me.

"well, you can start by maybe taking me on a date or something. we can just take things step by step. baby steps, even."

"so we're having a...what do the kids call it these days? a talking stage?"

i laughed at awsten's attempt to use modern day slang.

"yes, a talking stage. that sounds good to me." i agreed, smiling. i then yawned and looked at the time on my phone. it was 12:13 am.

"tired?" awsten asked me. "i could drive you home, i wouldn't mind going home myself anyways."

"yeah, it's been a pretty interesting night, i wouldn't mind getting some sleep. let's say bye to everyone though." i said.

the two of us got up and started to say goodbye to everyone. first we said bye to jawn and daphne, then grace and otto, and then a few of awsten's friends before we walked up to geoff and chloe.

"hey, we're gonna head out." awsten told our friends. chloe and geoff looked at each other.

"oh don't think we didn't see you guys kissing." chloe stated, as a matter-of-factedly. "i knew you guys would end up together."

"we're not dating...yet." awsten assured her. i smiled.

"we're talking. like, dating but not quite." i added. she nodded in acknowledgment.

"talking. gotcha. well, we'll see you later, y/n, and see you at the apartment, awsten."

we walked passed them and finally got to
the front door. we got our shoes on and then made our way out to the car. the nice part about LA was it never got too cold and it was usually in the 60s and 70s in january. unlike connecticut, where it would snow so bad there would be feet of it sometimes.

awsten drove me home, us making quiet conversation during the drive. when we got home, i frowned, not really wanting to leave him and be in my lonely house again. but, it was late.

"thank you for getting me out of my house tonight. i really needed it." i thanked awsten when he parked.

"it's no problem, jellybean, thanks for coming with me. i had fun tonight." he told me. i smiled.

i was about to get out of the car and go inside when awsten lightly grabbed my arm, stopping me.

"hey, before you go, would you mind if i kissed you one more time?" he asked me, politely. i shook my head, getting closer to him.

"i wouldn't mind that at all." i said, pressing my lips against his. both of us smiled into the kiss before i pulled away and got out of the car.

"so, i'll talk to you later?" i asked him. awsten nodded.

"yes, ma'am. i'll call you in the morning." he promised. i smiled at him.

"then goodnight, awsten."

"goodnight, jellybean."

i then made my way to my apartment, the events from the night leaving a smile on my face.

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