Chapter 2- Hollywood, Baby!

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   The flight from River Heights to California wasn't a long one, with Nancy and George passing the three hours easily. Bess had kept her promise to wake up on time, but as soon as she hit her seat on the plane, she had spent most of the flight fast asleep. George and Nancy didn't really mind, but were sure to wake her up before they landed so Bess could see all of California from above. They were glad they did, Bess' bright expression was priceless as she stuck her face to the small window beside her.

   By the time they had gotten off the plane, and stood waiting for their luggage (Nancy was thankful they hadn't lost it this time), it was nearly an hour later. Nancy looked at her watch, noting the two hour time difference. It was a little disorienting thinking it was two hours later than it actually was, but not nearly as bad as some of her flights out of the country.

   The three of them stood outside the airport, luggage in hand, and waiting for a cab. Nancy looked up from her watch at her friends,

   "It's only 10:30. We can't even eat lunch yet." Bess groaned and rolled her eyes at that,

   "Can't we though? I'm starving." She complained, and George chuckled in response,

   "You always say that. Personally, I'm ready for a nap before anything else." Nancy quickly agreed, and after brief consideration, Bess nodded exuberantly,

   "I could nap too!" She added, and this time George rolled her eyes,

   "You slept the whole flight!" Bess waved her off, pointing toward a cab that was pulling up to the curb,

   "You nag too much George. Look, here comes our ride!" She happily opened the door, avoiding any further confrontation about the nap. She got in, making it a point to smooth the back of her white pleated skirt before sitting down. George and Nancy looked at each other briefly, both thinking the same thing with a slight smile,

   Oh Bess.

   The two of them got in after her, and once George told the driver the location of their hotel, they were on their way.

   Nancy looked out the window, taking in the intensity of Hollywood. She had been here before for a case or two, but it still struck her every time. It was beautiful, and overwhelming all the same. Nancy was glad she felt that way too, she didn't want Bess to be disappointed if her reaction to Hollywood was lackluster.

   Bess leaned over George, who sat between her and Nancy, and started talking a mile a minute,

   "Where should we go first once we settle in? I vote lunch, and then sightseeing- Oh! What if we run into a celebrity or two, wouldn't that be dazzling-?"

   "God, Bess, relax! Any more and the cab won't have enough air for all of us." George interjected, forcing Bess back into her own seat. She leaned over slightly, reaching into her back pocket to pull out a travel guide.

   "This has a list of all the best places to visit-" Bess pretended to snore,

   "Snooze. Boring! We should just explore!"

   "And get lost in the process? If we don't have anyone to show us around we should-"

   "We won't get lost, George. You're just paranoid"

   The two cousins bickered like there was no tomorrow. Nancy tried to stop them a few times, her own frustration bubbling up. She knew before long she would have to tell the driver to pull over, before she yelled at her friends to stop fighting.

   "We should let Nancy decide!" George announced, and Bess' mouth snapped closed immediately. She glanced at Nancy with one of the most guilty expressions she had ever seen. George looked about there too,

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