Chapter 5- The Investigation Begins...

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   By the time the four of them made it up to Frank and Joe's hotel room, Guy was already standing there, dramatically tapping his foot. Frank immediately noticed another man at Guy's side. He was about the same height as the director, but he was significantly younger, black hair and an equally black suit. Frank glanced at Joe, who was already looking back at him in surprise.

   This guy looked like a bodyguard, so why did Guy beg Fenton for some kind of protection? Not to mention, if he was a bodyguard, Frank sure didn't remember him by Guy's side when they met him at the autograph signing a few hours ago.

   He supposed they'd just have to question him about that too.

   "Hardy brothers!" Guy exclaimed as they approached him. Callie was still glued to Frank's arm, with Nancy on the other side of him.

   "Gotta say, not a good start!" He continued. The apparent bodyguard held his wrist out toward Guy, who took a look at the watch on it,

   "You're ten minutes late." The bodyguard returned his hands to their folded state in front of him. Guy's loud voice wouldn't stop scolding them until Joe interjected,

   "When I got here to check on you, you weren't even here yet. That was ten minutes ago." Guy's eyes widened in response, a sheepish smile spreading across his face. He clapped his hands together,

   "So I was a little late too. Big deal, we all make mistakes." Guy brushed off, earning an eye roll from Frank. He wasn't a big fan of the Hollywood type, and Guy came straight out of the handbook on how to be overbearing and egotistical.

   "Right." Frank offered, straight faced. Guy chuckled,

   "Oh Frank, dry humor just like your father!" He chimed, though Frank didn't think what he said was all that funny. Guy soon noticed the two additions to the group, Nancy and Callie. His eyebrows raised halfway up his forehead, and he put on his show stopping smile.

   "And who do we have here?" He asked, voice intrigued. In reality, he probably just wanted to change the subject. Nancy was the first to fully approach Guy, clearly not intimidated by the suit beside him. She stuck out her hand for him to shake.

   "Nancy Drew, Mr. Owens. The Hardys have been kind enough to allow me to help, and I'd love to get to the bottom of these threats you've been receiving" She said with composure, and Guy returned the hand shake without faltering.

   "Nancy Drew. Now that has a ring to it. Call me Guy." His voice dripped in the ego Frank had sensed earlier. Callie stepped forward next, bringing Frank with her since their arms were still linked together. He stumbled a bit, smiling awkwardly as Callie introduced herself to the director,

   "And I'm Callie Shaw. Your case sounds very interesting, Guy." She batted her eyelashes in his direction, to which Frank's eyebrows shot up nearly as high. He knew Callie, and he also knew she probably already felt threatened by Nancy's presence, for more reasons than he realized. Guy, seemingly easy to please, enjoyed her flattery.

   "It does, doesn't it." He replied, a hand shooting to his collar to play with it. Joe, suspiciously silent throughout this whole ordeal, had been eyeing the other man. He didn't look like a bad guy, but then again bad guys hardly did. With no evidence, the only weird thing about him would've been that he wasn't at the autograph signing, where Guy had been surrounded by people. Finally, Joe spoke up,

   "I'm sure we'd all like to hear more about what's been going on. But uh.. Shouldn't we go inside?" Joe pointed out the fact that they were standing in the hallway, where anyone could hear. In all the excitement, it was amazing that he was the only one who noticed.

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