Chapter 9- Sour Honey

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   When Callie departed from the rest of the group, and went out into the hallway she was pleasantly surprised to find Honey Hoffman standing at the end of it. She had the door pushed open, the night air seeping inside.

   Perfect. Callie thought to herself, making her way over to the actress.

   "Excuse me, Ms. Hoffman!" She called out to her, and Honey jumped slightly, throwing whatever she was holding outside and stepping on it, before shutting the door. She turned toward Callie with a sweet smile on her face. When Callie got close enough to her, she smelled what was obviously smoke sticking to Honey's clothes.

   "You're with those detectives, aren't you?" She asked, tilting her head to the side a bit as she pushed her hair backwards over her shoulder. Callie nodded,

   "My name is Callie Shaw. I was wondering if I might be able to talk to you." She asked with incredible professionalism, despite how excited she was to talk to a Hollywood star. She had heard doubts from some about just how sweet Honey Hoffman really was, but if nobody bought the rumors, Callie supposed she'd just have to assume there was nothing to worry about. Sure enough, Honey continued to smile pleasantly at her.

   "I'd be delighted. My dressing room is just around the corner. Shall we?" She led Callie back down the hall, and eventually pushed open the door to her dressing room. Callie followed her inside, and the two of them sat across from each other at a small table in the corner of the room.

   After a brief look around the place, Callie noticed it was a lot messier than she would've expected from someone as put together as Honey. Maybe that was just a facade, like the obvious one Clyde put up around the public. That facade had already broken a little when that klieg light fell.

   "Okay." Callie began, and Honey crossed one leg over the other, waiting for a question,

   "Tell me about your relationship with Guy Owens." Callie thought she saw a twitch in the corner of Honey's eye, but she just smiled again,

   "Guy is lovely to work with." She began, and already Callie could tell she wasn't being truthful. Her voice was high, almost too sweet this time. Honey continued,

   "Of course, we have some creative differences. But what actress doesn't butt heads with the director every now and then?" She ended the sentence with an innocent laugh. Callie looked at her with a deadpan expression.

   "Listen. I'm not a reporter. Nothing you say to me will go to the press. So you can drop whatever act you're putting on. In fact, I'd rather hear what you're really thinking so that we can get to the bottom of this case." Callie kept her straight face throughout her sentence, until she smiled, her eyes squinted so tightly from it that they crinkled in the corners,


   She saw Honey's smile falter, and soon fell flat altogether. She crossed her arms, and sat back in her chair for a bit, before giving Callie a grin instead,

   "Cut throat. I like it."

   Callie felt her chest relax when she said that. She had just risked Honey walking out on her forever, but now she would hopefully get some honest answers out of her.

   "I hate Guy. I think he's arrogant, and he doesn't take anything seriously, except for his film. It takes us 20 minutes to position, and make sure we've got the blocking down to a T before he's happy." Honey began to vent, and Callie was grateful to listen.

   "But he's always late, and makes a joke out of all of us. It's insulting." Honey stopped, a frustrated sigh leaving her. Callie knew this was definitely a motive, but if Honey, and potentially Clyde were in on this together, then why would she tell her so willingly? To be so obvious that it cleared her from suspicion? Callie wasn't really sure.

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