Chapter 14- Stuck

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   Frank stared at Ned and Nancy, unable to hide the dumbfounded look on his face. Nancy wore a burnt orange turtleneck, and a brown skirt down below her knees like she was made for fall, and Ned? He wore a brown bomber jacket over a blue shirt and some jeans, and his arm was linked with Nancy's.

   The two of them looked like the picture perfect couple, as they always had, and it made Frank's blood boil. In fact, just the sight of Ned Nickerson alone was enough to put him in a sour mood.

   It's not that he wasn't friends with the guy, he and Joe had actually become quite close with Ned after a while. At this moment, however, Frank wanted nothing more than to tell him to butt out.

   When Frank made eye contact with him, Ned looked about the same. Frank glanced over to Nancy, who seemed content clinging to Ned's arm. If this was some ploy to get back at him for blanking her, it was working like a goddamn charm.

   "Ned...! What are you doing here?" Frank was the first to speak among the three of them, hoping he sounded pleasant through his teeth that were gritted slightly. Ned gave him a smile back, which Frank could only assume was fake,

   "Nancy called me up yesterday, got me a last minute flight. She said you guys would benefit from some extra help with the case." Ned replied civilly. Frank's eyebrows raised in surprise. Ned didn't sound like he was lying, but whether or not that was really why Nancy brought him here, Frank had doubts.

   "Did she?" Frank couldn't hide his surprise through an even faker smile, his head whipping in Nancy's direction. The smile she gave him was innocent, but he recognized the familiar glint of mischief in her eyes.

   She was definitely giving him a taste of his own medicine, and maybe he deserved it.

   But what did that mean for the answer to the question he wasn't able to ask her?

   And what did it mean for them?

   Could it be that bringing Ned here, was her answer in and of itself?

   Frank had been so absolutely sure of his plan, and now it was falling to pieces.

   Do I still tell her? Do I still tell Callie? Or do I go back to the way everything was before we...

   Frank's heart ached too much at the thought of that, but he didn't know what to do now. He was kicking himself for not realizing what she felt, and he himself felt hurt at Nancy's actions...

   "Yeah. I was glad to come, especially since classes are over, and I haven't had much else to do... Plus, of course, I get to be with Nancy." Ned broke Frank out of his complicated thoughts, and the latter felt his jaw clench when Ned moved his arm to hug Nancy's shoulders. Nancy beamed up at him, and Frank's heart twisted up again.

   "Well... we'll be happy to have your help." Frank once again feigned interest, and was glad to be saved once the rest of the group came over to them. Joe glanced briefly at Frank, patting him on the back solemnly before giving Ned his patented grin,

   "Ned. Good to see you again, buddy! Say, how's the car?" Joe hooked his arm around Ned's shoulders, pulling him away from Nancy. Frank couldn't tell if that was an act of brotherly solidarity, but he smiled at the gesture anyway. Ned smiled weakly at Joe,

   "Joe, hi. The car's okay, but lately there's been something funny with the engine." The two of them exchanged a look, which was confusion on Joe's end, and amusement on Ned's.

   "I thought for sure I fixed it... Is it still making that noise? Maybe I should-" Ned shook his head, giving Joe a lighthearted laugh,

   "No no, that's just fine. So, Nancy told me the basics, but somebody fill me in on what's been going on." Ned swiftly changed the subject, and said brief hellos to Bess and George, along with Callie, who didn't seem all that interested in his presence. Guy was a bit annoyed, if only at the fact that the group was paying more attention to Ned, than him. The director trudged back over to the group as Joe was describing the accidents that had been happening. He pointed at Guy when he finally approached them,

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