Chapter 16- It's You

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   Frank watched Nancy dart out of the security room, leaving only him, Callie, and the guard, who felt like he was in the middle of a soap opera. Frank's eyes were glued on the door, and he was torn.

   The look Nancy gave him before she left... It seemed about as torn as he was feeling right now.

   Which begged the question- why did she go after Ned?

   Nothing she did made any sense to Frank.

   She kissed him, envied the attention he gave Callie, used Ned to make him jealous, stared at him just a few moments ago like they were the last two people on Earth.

   And then ran after Ned Nickerson like none of that mattered. But even then, it was like she didn't want to.

   So why did she do it?

   Frank was tired of the back and forth, he was tired of not knowing. He wanted to chase after her like she chased after Ned so he could tell her everything he'd meant to that morning.

   And finally ask her how she felt about him.

   But if she caught up to Ned, Frank was afraid he might lose that chance permanently this time.

   He couldn't let that happen, not after everything they'd been through.

   Frank made a move for the door. Maybe he could stop her before-

   His hand barely brushed the doorknob, before he was stopped dead in his tracks by a hand on his wrist. He turned slightly to see Callie grasping it tightly, tired rage in her eyes,

   "Where are you going?" She asked calmly, almost too calmly. Frank could hear the hurt in her voice, anyway. He just stared at her, a dumb look on his face like he was a deer in the headlights.

   How could he have forgotten she was standing right next to him? Was that how desperate he was about Nancy?

   When he didn't answer, Callie gritted her teeth slightly before continuing,

   "... After her?" There was a bite on the second word, and tears threatened to spill from her eyes. Frank relaxed his arm, and she let go of his wrist, too.

   He knew he owed her an explanation. Hell, one of his only goals today was to tell her everything so he could stop hurting her. His own fear, and his own lovestruck emotions got the better of him, and now he wasn't sure if he could repair what he broke.

   But he had to tell Nancy before she found Ned. Whatever she was about to say to him... Frank wanted to be the one to speak first. Callie found his silence unsettling, but Frank couldn't find any words to say that would satisfy her. All he could think about was what he was going to say to Nancy.

   "Stay." Callie pleaded. Frank glanced between her, and the door. He put his hand on the doorknob, staring down at her apologetically.

   "Frank, if you go out that door-" Callie's voice broke, and she couldn't bring herself to say anymore. She didn't want to say it. That she would break up with him if he left. A pathetic, last attempt ultimatum to get him to change his mind.

   In the back of her head, Callie knew she wouldn't be able to. Frank let out a breath, and finally spoke,

   "...Callie, I promise I'll explain everything. I just... I have to go." With that, he opened the door and rushed out of the room.

   Callie clenched her fists, holding them close to her chest. Her tears spilled over her cheeks, and she shook her head like she couldn't believe what he'd done. That wasn't far from the truth.

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