Chapter 6- Clyde.

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   The walk to the set was tense between Nancy and Callie. Nancy wasn't sure why she wanted to go with her, if it really was because she didn't want to play bodyguard, or if she was trying to figure Nancy out.

   She reckoned it was the latter.

   They didn't really have anything to talk about besides the case, or Frank, since those were the two commonalities they shared. Nancy wasn't thrilled about discussing either. Especially Frank.

   Surprisingly, Callie spoke first,

   "How long have you known Frank?" Nancy winced at the question. She was good at reading people, and it seemed Callie Shaw was one of the easiest.

   She probably wanted to know if she had anything to worry about. Nancy didn't think she did, at least on Frank's end. She knew he was committed to Callie. On her end though, Nancy was beginning to feel uncertain...

   "A couple years. I was a friend of a friend, and the rest is history." She replied, trying to sound as casual as possible. Callie hummed in response, and it was quiet for a while, besides the busy street they were walking down. Nancy glanced back at Callie,

   "What about you?"

   "Oh, I've known Frank since we were younger, but we haven't been dating that long. I've liked him forever though..." She paused, as if realizing who she was speaking too, and promptly shut up. Her face was red, and she tried to subtly fan it.

   "You two seem very close." Nancy continued, trying to move the conversation along so Callie wouldn't feel any more embarrassment. Callie promptly stopped walking, crossing her arms and giving Nancy a cold stare.

   "We are. Don't forget it." And with that, she decided the conversation was over, as she walked away. Nancy let out a tired breath.

   She hadn't thought she was being that threatening when it came to Frank and Callie's relationship. So why was Callie so defensive?

   Could it be that Frank...?

   No. It couldn't.

   Frank wasn't anything like her.


   Nancy and Callie approached the film set. It was a tall building in the heart of Hollywood, and Nancy had to crane her neck back further than she ever had to see the entirety of it.

   The rest of the walk had been silent between the two of them, and Nancy was fine with that. She didn't want to set Callie off any more than she already had, and she really didn't want to think any more about anything other than the mystery.

   Once they were inside, they spotted the security guard blocking their way onto the set. They weren't given special passes or anything, but Nancy hoped Guy had gotten the guard to write their names down or something. She needed to talk to the other people on the set about the threats.

   Nancy looked up at the tall man. He was significantly larger than both her and Callie, and she was sure he'd be able to throw them out in one fell swoop.

   "Hello." She started with a smile, and he looked down at her without one.

   "State your business." Nancy's smile immediately faltered, and she cleared her throat slightly before continuing,

   "My name is Nancy Drew, and this is Callie Shaw. We're here to check out the set, with Guy Owens' permission." The security guy grunted slightly in annoyance, before flipping through a bunch of papers on a clipboard he was holding.

   "I don't see anything about that here." Nancy's heart skipped a bit, and she internally cursed Guy for proving to her that he was as carefree as he seemed. He probably forgot to tell security to let them in. Nancy gave Callie a look, who was only smiling a bit, as if she was enjoying watching her struggle.

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