[ Chapter 1 | Not-so-Grand Openning! ]

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    Jack smiled, looking at the building he had designed. It felt like only yesterday he drew it on a napkin while at a gas station in Colorado and look at it now! It only had one exit, which was also its entrance. That was definitely an OSHA violation. But, again, what is a Freddy's location without an OSHA violation...or ten. It was an upgrade from the previous death trap he made. 

    He began to walk into the building, opening the door. It was quite barren inside, as he didn't have the money to decorate the place. Or, even to buy tables...The floor was checkered tiled, and the walls were painted gray. He felt a tap on his shoulder and pivoted around to see who it was.

    "Um...hi?" A man with a black phone-head mumbled. The man wore a classic with a tie tied into an Eldredge tie knot. He had a white shirt underneath. He was the first phoney Jack had seen since his brother, Peter. He couldn't see Peter anymore, as he was in a casket five feet under the ground.

    He thought in his head  Ohh, I forgot about the phoney. Huh...I should probably explain where he is...

    "Hello! You're Scott, yeah?" He said, quite excited to see a phone guy. One of the most important parts of a Freddy's. Well, besides the haunted animatronic, and the pizza that would give people lead poisoning and Ebola.

    Scott nodded. He had a formal and stiff demeanor. "Where am I, exactly? I'd assume it was a Freddy's location, but those got shut down long ago-"

    Jack cut in. "Actually, it is a Freddy's location! I got you from the local Robotics Factory." 

    The phoney glared at him, seeming to dislike being interrupted. He sighed and looked around. 

    "Well...I've seen and worked at worse locations, I presume. Though, we do have a noticeable lack of tables and chairs." He mumbled writing on a clipboard Jack hadn't seen in his hands before.

    "Hey! They cost a lot!" He retorted back, annoyed. He crossed his arm. Scott ignored the comment, continuing to write. Jack, pulled down the clipboard, barring his teeth. He lifted his phone-head from his clipboard.

     "From what you've bought, I think we'd have enough money to buy an Instant Hallway Kit. A hallway could go quite nicely over there, I do think." He gestured the right. Jack looked over at where he gestured to and nodded. The phoney pulled out a box kit, seemingly out of thin air. Jack swore he could feel his wallet get lighter. 

    "How the hell did you buy that so quickly?! Also, how the fuck is that a thing?" 

    "Language, sir." He didn't answer the questions, and instead, tossed the kit to the right. With a loud crack, a hallway was formed. 

    Well, He though. that was quick.

    He looked at his watch, which was set two hours behind, because he had no idea how to set it to the correct time. The watch said 6:00 AM on it, which meant it was 8:00 AM. It was time for the Grand opening. He grabbed Scott by the wrist and dragging him to the entrance/exit. Jack bounced up and down on his feet, excited. 

    "C'mon! Let's cut the red ribbon!" He pointed to outside the door.

    "But...um...there seems to be no ribbon outside..." He tilted his head, confused. They went outside, Jack running like a kid, meanwhile Scott was ambling. Jack rummaged through his pockets, first pulling out scissors, then a small red ribbon he had stolen off a kid's birthday present back in 1980-something. He cut it with the scissors.

    "Well...that was quite anticlimactic." Scott muttered under his breath. After 20 seconds, they began to hear loud footsteps, making the ground quake. Scott rushed to the door, scrambling to get inside. He tugged Jack along. 

    "It's an earthquake, we'd best get inside..."

    "Actually, it's some kids-" He corrected him. As they opened the door, kids rushed past him. Most of them were actually teenagers. 

    After he stepped in, he muttered something to Scott. "Huh....I wonder why there's so many teens..."

    "Probably because of the rumors about Freddy's being haunted. Teenagers do seem to be quite fascinated with the macabre these days. Or maybe they want to see a corpse?" 

    "I'm a corpse, and none of them seem to wanna see me! Actually, I think they're purposely trying to look away from me!" He was foaming at the mouth, kinda looking like a rabid dog barking angrily.

    Scott sighed "I can see why..." 

    "What is that supposed to mean?!" He hissed at him, pissed off. Jack began to walk to the office- No, his office. He put on a moldy, rusty bear suit he had savaged from an old Freddy's location. He also grabbed a wedding cake he had stolen seven months ago. Maggots writhed through the cake.

    Cakes are too magic to go stale!  He told himself in his head. That's perfect! I'll say that to any parent whose kid gets food poisoning from this cheap-ass cake! Or maggots, too, I guess.

    As he stumbled into the room, he could hear the chittering and chattering of people. Some parents, more children. 

    With this many kids, we could buy a table in only four months!

.  .  .

    The day was finally over. It was a busy day, filled entertaining kids, and also trying not to trigger any spring locks. He stumbled into his office, tired. Jack plopped down into his office chair, which spun around in for a bit. After he was done with that, he rested, burying his head into his crossed arms which were laid lazily onto the table. Almost as soon as his head hit his arms, he heard a phone ringing. He groaned, picking it up.

    "Hello, is this the owner of bear?" A feminine, but gruff voice asked.

    "Yeah...who's this...?" He mumbled, the sleepiness in his made his speech slurred a bit.

    "The police." Oh fuck! Not them! "I need to talk to you about an abduction that happened around your restaurant."

    Jack clicked his pen, thinking. It couldn't have been him...he couldn't have already gotten here. We just opened today, after all...

    "The kid's name is Billy. The mother said he was wearing a t-shirt, jorts and a baseball cap. We aren't blaming you for the kidnaping, as from what we're aware, you've been inside all day and the kidnapping was outside. We're just telling you out of curtsy." The voice continued. "If we have any updates, we'll tell you."

    It was him...oh no. Jack though. "W-well, I'll tell you if I see anything..."

    "Alright, I hope you have a good evening, sir."

    "You too, ma'am." He hung up and slammed the phone onto the desk. He forgot he had a modern phone, which were quite fragile. The screen shattered. "Fuck."

    Jack waved to Scott as he left and jumped out of a window. He fell face first into the parking lot pavement but got up with ease. He was cautious as he stumbled to his car, worried he was stalking him like a predator stalked prey. He got into the car and began to drive. His work wasn't finished yet.

[ Yay! I finished my first chapter! And, I'm already past 1000 words! YIPEE!!! I hope y'all are enjoying it so far :D ]

[ Sorry for any grammar errors in this. It was night when I was writing it, so I was kind of sleepyy ]

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