[ Chapter 10 | Double Digits ]

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[ chapter 10??? poggers. thanks for being with me for ten whole chapters, guys. that's actually insane. you know who else is insane? ME :DDDDDD ...okay, i'll shut up. go read your dumbass fanfic, ya bozo. ]

    Jack stood there, speechless. He wiped his eyes of the tears that had formed. The flipside around him, the shadowy pizzeria, seemed to freeze. The Earth stopped spinning. His heart halted beating. Had he heard Dave right? Had he said boyfriend? No, he was probably just making it up is his head. His brain was telling him lies and folktales of love that never existed, whispers of a time that never happened. But...maybe he had heard Dave right. He shook his head, removing the wishful thinking from his thoughts. He pulled away from the hug. Dave looked down at him, confused.

    "Did...Did I say something wrong...?" Dave stumbled backward. "I'm sorry- do you not want to be called boyfriend...?"

    Jack stared at Dave for a second longer. The two dumbass eyes met. Jack hadn't noticed this earlier, but Dave's eyes seemed glossy, eyes twinkling like di. Was he crying as well?

     "Fuck, of course I wanna be called boyfriend. Your boyfriend, Dave..." Jack got closer to Dave and hugged him again. 

    "Boyfriend, boyfriend, boyfriend..." Dave echoed repeatedly, as he looked at Jack. He seemed to be just as shocked as Jack. But their moment was interrupted by his sister, Dee.

     Dee glared at Dave, and then a Jack. "Didn't you say you two were boyfriends when you were introducing Purple to me...? Fuck, do neither of you know what you two are?!"

    "Watch the fucking language, Dee!" Jack stuck his tongue out at her. Dee let out a feral screech of pure, concentrated rage.

    "Don't we have souls to save...? I'd call you lovebirds, but you're more like...pigeons. Love rats, even." Dee groaned, frustrated. "C'mon. Let's go, love rats." 

    The clusterfuck of freaks began to walk around. They snuck around the souls-animatronic things, fearful of their wrath. They ended up in what seemed to be a dining area, the tablecloths on the table slightly torn and frayed. It was starkly dark in the room, with only a few colored stage lights keeping it from being pitch black. The light made Dave look like he had colored splotches on him. All Jack could think was how pretty the lights made him. Of course, he was always pretty. At least to him. The group were standing out in the open, in the room. Dee seemed not in awe about anything here. In fact, she looked troubled, as if something was about to lunge out and attack at any given moment. 

     "We should be careful here," She said, eyeing the room suspiciously. "Many souls come here. Usually, they'd just eat pizza, but with how they've been acting-"

    "Why do they act like that?" Jack blurted out, not meaning to have interrupted her. He covered his mouth. "...sorry..."

     Dee sighed. "Well...The Real Fredbear hasn't been here for a while...you do know who that is, yes?"

     Jack nodded, grabbing a slice pizza from a table. "I mean, he's the one who made me 'alive' so I could save kids souls and shit."

    "And what a great job you did at that..." She muttered under her breath.

     "Yeah!" Dave said, not getting that what she had said was sarcasm. "He's a soul saving pro!"

    "It...it was sarcasm." Dee groaned. Dave mumbled an apology in response. "Jack clearly hasn't lived up to that promise with the whole 'murdering kids thing'. Of course, he helped me once, but that was back in his...second? Third location?"

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