[ Chapter 16 | Steven? Like Steve From Minecraft? ]

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     "Hey Jack? Is the reason you're so nice to me because I remind you of him?"

    Jack just stared, noticing Harry's voice was breaking. Was he about to cry? Can...can phone-guys cry? If Peter had ever cried, then he must've hidden it well from Jack. Either way, Jack didn't want Harry to be upset.

    "Hey hey," Jack put a hand on his shoulder, trying to make his voice soothing. "Harry, I like you for you, not cause my brother just happened to a have a phone head-"

    Harry sighed, and pulled away from Jack. "...sorry, sir- I shouldn't be so sad about this- I-I..."

    "Phoney, no. You have no reason to be sorry for having emotions, okay?"

    Harry turned to Jack. And just...hugged him. And for just that moment, everything in the world was alright. His friend Harry was okay. He didn't worry about Davetrap, or the flipside, or Henry. Everything was...okay. Jack sighed, and hugged Harry a little tighter.

    "It's just...if you were only nice to me because of someone else, and not me-" Harry started. "then...the kindness wouldn't be because I deserved it."

    "Well, you do deserve it." Jack smile, letting go of the hug. Harry yawned, stretching.

    Harry grunted, seeming annoyed he was tired. Probably because most people don't sleep in the early afternoon.

    "Hey, Harry, how 'bout we get you to bed? You haven't a good nights sleep since like 1970, so maybe you should nap." Jack suggested.

     "...fine, Jack. I'll rest." Harry stood up, but stumbled.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine...my legs are just being annoying."

"Old man." Jack called him playfully. He put at hand behind Harry's back and helped him up the stairs.

    Harry said goodnight as he headed into Peter's room, still having the photo in hand. Jack just waved, waited a bit, and then headed towards his work shop, and then the arcade machine.

.  .  .

[ ^^^^ these fuckers ain't working properly so uh. sorry. ]

    Dave quietly walked along the halls, one step at a time.

    Jack should be here any moment...Just gotta wait a little longer, Davey. He told himself, trying to ignore the sting of tears in his eyes. Did he...did he finally give up on him? Did Jack just leave to get away from them? From him? Dave pounded on the wall, barring his teeth, before slinking down to the ground and curling up into a ball. His hands still fists, touching the wall.


    "Jeez, calm down Dave." Dee muttered in a un-calming voice. "Be patient."

    Dave glared at her, no more caring in his eyes. "After WHO KNOWS HOW MANY YEARS, I see him, and he leaves me again- and I should be calm!?!"

   "Pipe it, eggplant."

    Dave pound his fists again at the wall, not responding.

    Dee rolled her eyes. "You're so sensitive, I swear-"

   "FUCK OFF, DEE." Dave stood, tears welling up in his eyes. He could feel the rage bubbling up inside of him. "I've taken your shit for TOO LONG. No matter what I do, it'll never be enough for you, will it?!"

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