[ Chapter 5 | Daily Commute ]

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     Scott sighed, getting up. He scanned the area where he had fell asleep. He seemed to be on the tile floor of the main room. His body ached, both with back pain and the frigid air biting at his skin, but he was used to it. Scott had slept on the floor several times, due to lacking a place to sleep. He sat up, trying to recollect his energy. 

     Birds chirped outside, probably the loudest sound around. The sun was still rising, glowing in the sky with a purple hue. The quiet seemed to suit him well, peaceful. He walked into the office and made some coffee with the coffee machine. As he sipped it, which he wasn't sure exactly how he did so as he head a rotary phone as a head, he swore he heard something that wasn't the musical chirps from outside. He ran out of the office to see what it was.

     There was a car blasting music in the parking lot. It seemed to be driven by an orange corpse. Wait, no. That's just his boss.

     Oh great, he's here... Scott thought to himself.

     He sipped his coffee again. He wasn't really expecting for him to be here, as usually the manager of Freddy's locations would only show up once every three months, two or one months if you were lucky. And, with the kidnapping that had happened yesterday, most Freddy's managers would probably call sick so they wouldn't have to go, and instead would leave everything to their phone-guys to deal with. He would know, having done the same song and dance over and over again, every location he had been to. It was kind of worrying that he showed up today. Maybe he planned on replacing him.

     The man walked into the building, wearing a hoodie and a pair sweatpants. He walked casually towards him, as if he wasn't the owner of the last standing Freddy's. Did he not feel the pressure weighing on his shoulders?! It was quite insane to him how laidback this person seemed. 

    "Morning!" He cheerfully said to Scott, bouncing around with a surplus of energy. Scott just nodded as a response. He wondered where he got so much energy. He crossed his arms, still freezing cold. 

    "Did you need something or...?" He muttered to the orange man, right before taking another sip of coffee. 

    He smiled, which showed he lack two front teeth. "I was gonna do my work- Duh." 

    "Oh. That's quite odd, sir." He mumbled, swirling the mug in his hands.

    "I have a name, you know!" He crossed his arms, annoyed. His face was neutral, not showing much emotion. "You don't need to just call me sir all of the time!"

    "You have yet to tell me what that name is, sir..." Scott sighed.

    "It's Jack Kennedy, or I guess Mr. Kennedy? I don't know, I don't much formal stuff so like...yeah..." Mr. Kennedy shrugged, chill. 

    Jack? Didn't my old assistant tell me about some guy named Jack before his location shut down? Something about him murdering kids? The thought left a pit in his stomach. A child murderer was running this place. He stepped away from him, uneasy. Clearing his throat, he stood up straight to regain his formal posture. No, he could've talked about a different Jack. Jack is a pretty common name, after all.

    "I should probably get to work...See you on the flipside, Mr. Kennedy." Scott shook his hand before leaving. Jack flinched when he grabbed his hand. 

     Huh...his hand is pretty hot- Either that or my hand is just really cold... Scott thought to himself.

     Scott glanced at Jack quickly as he left, eyeing him suspiciously. He felt a bit guilty for being suspicious, but it was his job to be cautious. If he failed at doing his job, he'd get...scrapped. Scott shuttered at the notion. 

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