[ Chapter 18 | And you, employee, are FIRED. ]

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     Scott looked around at the group who surrounded him. A puppet, and two of his former employees. Three against one, what were the odds of him winning? But it didn't matter. He wasn't going to be a coward this time,  there was no where to run. He'll fight tooth and nail, this time, so that he wouldn't die. At least, not die a coward. He ready his fists, and prepared to fight.

    "Let's finish this, here and NOW." Scott rammed into Jack, sending him flying off his feet. Dave tackled Scott to the hard, tiled floor, but he managed to escape.

   "You fucking idiot-" Jack hissed.

   The puppet's arms tried to tangle up Scott, but he got out of the way, making her end up tying her arms together instead. She yelped.

    "Want mor-" Scott taunted, before being strangled with a string of sausages. "GAH, FUCK-"

    "You do NOT hurt my sportsy!" He growled.

     Scott turned around, and kneed Dave in the stomach, causing him to wretch over. He stole the string of sausages from his hands, and turned around and smacked the puppet with it. He slid under it, and slammed into Jack's legs, making him fall over again. The puppet and Dave turned to see Jack's body, knocked out, on the floor. They sped towards Scott, leaving him no time react. They grabbed him by the arms and legs, as he thrashed around.

    "LET ME GO YOU HECKERS-" He tried to get out of their grip, in full panic mode.

    "Now just calm down you dumbass-" Dave muttered. "We ain't here to fight-"

    Scott stopped thrashing. "You...aren't? I thought you were planning to kill me."

    "We've been trying to tell you the whole time-" The puppet hissed, rolling her eyes. "But you never stopped, did you?!"

     "Well I-I-" He stuttered. "You don't just charge at a person..." He mumbled, looking away.

     Jack got up, mumbling to himself. He rubbed his head. Dave turned around, and ran towards him, kneeling besides the man, leaving no one to hold his head. His head slammed into the tile, the cracked plastic dripping blood.

    "Sportsy! You alright?" He seemed worried, pulling the other man up.

    "I'm fine, Dave." He pushed the man away, seeming embarrassed by needing help.

     Scott huffed. "Yeah, I'm alright.." He glared at Dave.

    "Shut it, Phone-face." The puppet snapped. "You just tried to kill us, the least you could do is not be an ass."

    "What do you guys want from me anyways?!"

    Jack stood, dusting himself off. "Well...we're here to save you, Scott."

    Scott just stared, bewildered and amused. He snorted, then snickered, then it turned into a full on laugh. "Ha- you think you can save me?!"

    "Stop laughing!" Dave stomped his foot.

    "I'm unsavable, employee. I mean-" He felt the puppet finally let go of his legs so he could get up. It took a bit for him to get up, hissing at the pain of his scrapper scars. But finally he got up. "I swept everything under the rug, I framed you-"

    "I mean...I did actually kill those kids but-"

    "And all for what?! To appease the god that is our corparation?! To save my hide, as countless others die?! Because I'm a selfish hecking a-a-ARSE HOLE?!" His voice broke, he was trembling. His hand clawed into the side of his head. He collasped the floor, sobbing

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