[ Chapter 17 | Jake Wil(hefindhis)son ]

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[ WELL WELL WELL, LOOK WHO'S BACK- Me. i'm back. ]

[ i always come back... ]

[ anyhow, sorry for not updating this as often as i shoulddd...i'm just very tired always. plus, with me now being in highschool (FRESHMEN FOR THE WIN!!!! /j), i just like...am surprised i haven't exploded yet. ]

[ i hoped you guys missed me, the narrator (everyone's favorite character) ]

[ cuz i missed you, and i missed writing this stuff. ]


    "The hell's our boss...?" He growled, looking around the packed pizzeria. Or sorry, pepperonrie. Or how ever that's spelt. Don't care. He was in the dinning room, filled with a half broken animatronic and the smell of burnt craft cheese in the air

    "W-Well I- He just- DISAPPEARED AND-" The man in front of him, Harry as he had introduced himself quickly, had a well polished black phone head. Harry's voice was deep like dark, freshly brewed coffee. He was older and smelt of warm printer paper, and . Even with his frantic movements, he was still oddly graceful with them, like an octopus. Or uh...something graceful. Give me a break, my head is a PHONE. "Wait did you just swear-"

   "Mhm...I can fuc- hecking swear...sometimes." The change in his voice, switching from his 'alive' voice, to the preset voice. Which, mind you, was quite broken. He despised it. He pressed down on his throat with three fingers. A loud snap came from it. He hissed at the pain, but now his voice should be switched back to his alive one. He smiled (but not really since he has a phone head), finally hearing the voice he wanted to. His voice.

   "I don't believe I caught your name, sir...?" Harry asked, formally.

    "Jake. Jake Wilso-"

   "OH- YOU'RE UH-" He lit up excitedly. "I read one of your reports, during your spiral of madness! Heck, I cancelled off them tracking you down!" He seemed so...happy? Jake wondered how one could be so happy about reports and files. And, he didn't like how excited he seemed about reading his mental breakdown.

   He sighed. "Let me take a hard guess...The one about me learning I wasn't 'Scott', or whatever?"

    Harry nodded eagerly. "Say, how did that turn out? Did you ever find Jason?"

   "What do you care?" He hissed, annoyance in his tone. He didn't like it when people pried information about him, especially when strangers did it, and double especially when it was about his life. "It's none of your fucking business."

    Jake could almost hear Harry's heart deflating like a sad balloon. Harry hesitated for a moment, as if frozen just by Jake's yelling "Oh...okay, sorry-" He shook his head. "I didn't mean to make you upset, just was...curious, is all." Harry made himself stand more formally.

    "Sorry, I just..." He muttered, just...tired. Jake knew he was being rude, but it was his fault for being nosy. He should learn to mind his own business. He shook his head. This man had been working at the company for so long, he probably didn't know the right social norms anymore.

   "Now do you mind telling me where the boss is...?" He crossed his arms.

   "O-Oh, right- apologies-" Harry shook his head. "He had brought me to his house, since he had just 'retired' me, and he didn't want me to sleep at the pizzeria still. I had went to bed, and when I woke up...He was gone."

   "So, y'sure he's not a ghost?"

    "No...? He's more of a corpse, rather than a specter or apparition of any sort."

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