[ Chapter 4 | Getting Ready for Work]

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    [ Ayo, reader! It's your favorite character, the narrator! I'm just gonna say that this will be a very short chapter. Why? Because REASONS.  And also, because I'm sleebbyy from last chapter. (I can still feel the hand cramps-) so yeah. Sorry for not making longer content ;-; ]

    [ oh yeah, Jack has ADHD and Dave has autism. why? because I'M THE NARRATOR AND CAN WRITE THESE GAY MOTHERFUCKERS HOW EVER I PLEASE MHAHAHA- ]

    Jack awoke to the sound of a blaring alarm. He looked around the room to see where it came from and saw his alarm clock. He slammed his fist onto it to make it shut up. He groaned, thinking about what had happened last night. His head hurt.

    Was it...all a dream? He thought. He turned to his arm and examined it. The piece of cloth wrapped around it was still there, still stained maroon with his own blood. He let out a sigh of relief.

    "It wasn't a dream..." Saying it out loud made it feel more real.

    Jack hopped off his bed, and almost immediately fell to the floor. His body must still be injured from last night. He used his non-injured arm to get up, shakily. Jack held onto the bed, as so he wouldn't fall. He clenched his teeth, everything in pain.

   Putting on his work outfit, he noticed just how quiet it was in the house. He was used to the sound of Peter doing paperwork, or Caroline watching TV.

    He managed to get to the door and stumble out of the room. He leaned onto the wall of the hallway to get to the stairs at the end of it. He tumbled down the stairs, which was much quicker and more painful than just walking down them. He got up, formerly laying on the floor like a corpse, and trudged to the kitchen. 

    He scanned the fridge for anything easy to make. He, giving up on that endeavor, decided to just put [ UNBRANDED TOASTER PASTRIES ] into the toaster. As he waited for them to warm up, he stumbled around the room. 

     I should probably get something to cover up my scar... He talked to himself in his head. Walking to his coat rack, he tore off an iris hoodie from one of its branch-like racks. It was oversized and baggy, the way Jack liked his clothes. Jack put it on right as the [ UNBRANDED TOASTER PASTRIES ] popped out of the toaster. He hurriedly dashed to it, eating it like a deranged raccoon snacking on whatever it found in the dumpster.

    He surveyed the room for anything he needed to get before running out and getting to work. Seeing nothing of importance, he lumbered to the door while putting shoes on, and got into his car. It was still dark outside, with only the quiet glow of the purple sun having any light. The salvaged Freddy was still there in the back. Jack shuttered when he looked at it, thinking of the bear-soul-kid thing that attacked him last night. He grabbed the wheel, turned the key, and began to drive to work.

    [ sorry for lazy chapter. the next chapter will for sure be wayyy longer, and i also plan to use harry's POV instead of jack to add some S p i c e to my writing- also because the phoneys don't get enough love in writing- ]

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