[ Chapter 11 | From an Aubergine's Eye View ]

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[ Trigger warnings! Trigger warnings! Read all about it!: There will be a description of an autistic meltdown, from the POV of the meltdown haver. If you don't wanna read about this, as I'm pretty sure some of you mother fuckers are autistic (like myself) because it'll bring back bad memories, I get it. I will say where the melt down starts and ends, so you can just get straight (or gay) to the fluff. ENJOY!!! ]

 [ oh, yeah, that reminds me. this is a Dave pov chapter. you know, everyone's favorite AUBERGINE. ]

    Dave leaned onto Jack as the two walked together, as if one creature stitched together. From what Dave could tell, Jack had no idea how to do physical contact. Jack's arm was awkwardly wrapped around him, behind his neck. Dave actually found it kind of funny. Dave heard Jack's breathing, anxious and fast. As they walked, he could feel Dee's glare on him, something he had gotten used to at this point. 

    I deserve it. Dave thought to himself. I killed her, she should feel angry at me.

    The pain in his ribs has returned. Letting out a yelp, he tensed up. He clenched his ribs, in agony. His amazing boyfriend, also known as Jack, turned to him; his eyes filled with concern. 

     "You okay, Dave...?" Jack asked, cupping one of Dave's cheeks with his hands.

     He smiled, playfully. "No, not really...but I think a kiss would help."

    Jack looked at him, looked away, and then looked back. His facial expression showed shock. The hand that was once on Dave's face when to Jack's own, an attempt to mask his obvious flustered-ness. After a moment of hesitation, Jack got on his tippytoes, and kissed Dave on the cheek. He quickly turned back, returning to how he was a few minutes ago, except with some blush on his face. His blush was a dark orang-ish color. Blush is caused by blood going to a person's cheeks, and with his blush being dark orange, it implied Jack's blood was...well...dark orange as well. Dave chuckled softly, looking at Jack. He, somehow, fell even more in love with him.

    "So, where would med kits be...?" Dave asked Dee, his aching ribs making it hard for him to speak. His words came out oddly, his tone not the same for any of the words. He heard the sound of the group's footsteps as they walked together.

    "I...don't know." She crossed her arms, defensively.

    Dave sighed. "It's fine, I just assumed you'd know since ya lived 'ere for so long..."

    "W-well, I've never needed to use them. The animatronics have only recently been acting like this." Her eyes darted away from the couple, her fingers tensing up. Dave gave her a concerned glance.

    "She's just a kid, of course she wouldn't kno-" Jack started.

     "Shut it, Jack." She snapped back, pissed off. "I'm not a kid, I'm well passed my 40s."

    Jack rolled his eyes in response. Dave felt kind of awkward, as he had no idea what to do. He looked at the two siblings, and quietly prayed to whatever god(s) there were, like The Real Fredbear, to cause a distraction so he wouldn't have to deal with this. After a few minutes, nothing happened, so he then prayed to Godred. Suddenly, the sound of an old rotary phone echoed in the room.

    Huh...why the fuck did that work!? He thought to himself, looking around the room.  The others seemed to have heard the ringing as well. Jack perked up, seeming the notice the sound the most. Jack walked almost aimlessly, trying to figure out where the sound came from. Dave was dragged along, as he was still leaning on him.

    "Maybe it's Peter..." Jack whispered. 

    Dee seemed confused. "Why would you think Peter correlates to...a rotary phone?"

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