Chapter 1

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Leilani's POV

"Show you off. Tonight in gonna show you off...." I tapped my fingers against the desk, listening to the rhythm of the beat as Justin got up and did some dance moves.

Scooter's phone rang. He got up and went to answer it in the hall. Justin continued to dance to his song.

"Is that all you've got?" I asked as he finished. "I can do much better than you" I grabbed his SnapBack off his head and set it on top of mine. I stood up from the swivel chair.

"Sure you can" Justin lifted his eyebrow as he went to the control panel to change the song.

"Your beautiful. Beautiful. You should know it....." I listened to the beat of the song and made up a routine in my head.

"I'm waiting..." Justin crossed his arms across his head, impatiently waiting. That's when I started.

"All around the world." The song ended. As I bowed, I set the purple hat back on his silky brown hair. Justin grinned that half smile at me. One of the thing that made me fall for him.

"We'll done" there was some clapping behind us. My head spun around.

Scooter walked in. Not just him, but 5 fairly familiar boys. Oh wait, I know why they are familiar. It's the infamous One Direction.

"Lani, this is One Direction. Boys, Leilani . Also known as Lani . I assume you guys know each other?" Scooter said nudging his amused head at Justin.

"Of coarse! It's so nice to see you all again!" Justin walked over to them, doing some type of handshake.

"So Lani, remember when I really wanted you to come to the studio today?" Justin asked. I slowly nodded my head. "This is why" he gestured to the boys.

"Hi" they grinned.

"Heyy" I awkwardly waved back.

"So um. Why don't we get this session started?" Scooter sat in his chair and faced the panel.

"Yea um so...." I broke off from them all. Allowing them to do what they do best. Sing.

I sat off to the side, on the couch. I'm used to seeing 'famous' people, so I never really went crazy over it. I got out my purple Beats, a present from Justin, and plugged them into my iPhone 5, another gift from Justin, and blocked everything out. I honestly wasn't much help. I listened to a few covers that I did. Justin offered to sign me, but I refused. I wasn't really into the spotlight.


Everyone left the room for a break, about a couple hours after we started. From the corner of my eye, I saw Justin's guitar. I held the familiar instrument in my hands, allowing my fingertips to brush the strings.

"Let me tell you a story about a girl and a boy. She fell in love with her best friend, when he's around she feels nothing but joy. But he was already broken, and it made him blind, but he could never believe that love will ever treat him right. Did you know that i love you, or were you not aware, your the smile on my face i aint goin no where. Im here to make you happy im here to see you smile. I've been wanting to tell you this for a long while..." I quietly strummed and sang along. No one knows this, but I made that song. Yea, I did. I gave it to Justin when we were dating, and he sang it. He made it more than I ever could. That's why, after we broke up, I let him keep it. He could always do wonders.

"Wow" I looked up as I finished the last chords to the song. "Dancer and a singer?" The curly haired boys said sitting next to me.

"I never properly introduced myself. Harry" he said extending his hand.

"Nice to meet you Harry" I said. I stared into those perfect green eyes.

"So tell me Leilani, why aren't you famous? You seem like you could be right now" My cheeks felt hot. I looked down at my hands.

"Oh um well you can call me Lani, and I uh I'm not for the spotlight. That's Justin's job" I told Harry.

"Well you should reconsider it sometime" Harry smiled.

"Maybe I will" I replied.

"LANI!! We got some great news!!" Justin ran into the room. Exaggerating as usual.

"What is it?" I asked him as I rummaged through my backpack, pulling out a black beanie, stuffing it over my head.

"The boys and I are going on tour together! Isn't that great?" He picked me up and spun me around.

"Haha that's amazing!" I said as I sat down. As I looked back to the couch, Harry was gone. I looked back up at Justin. My eyes met his. Another thing that made me fall in live with him. Before I knew it, our lips touched.

"Justin...." I pulled away from him. This wasn't the first time this has happened.

"S-sorry. Well um why don't you and I go with the boys to celebrate? C'mon" Justing brushed off the kiss and pulled me over to the door. I obediently obliged, but couldn't get my mind off of his lips against mine. Like the song implied, I'm in love with my best friend.


Hey Guys!

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter, I worked really hard on this and it took me a while but I had fun writing it. I'm working on the second chapter right now. I will only put up the second chapter if a decent amount of people liked it.

Go follow my friend theJeniPerez because she is responsible for the awsome description and cover :)


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