Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

*3 years later*

The little girl's hand fit through mine as she tugged me to her uncle. Her brown curls swayed with each step, her green eyes shined as she looked back with a perfect smile. Small little dimples showed on her tiny chubby cheeks. She looked just like her father. Exactly like him.

"Uncle Ju Ju!!" Little Darcy, let go of my hand as she ran into Justin's. It was so cute as he picked up her tiny body and handed her a Popsicle. Darcy was always outgoing, never shy like me. I loved the way she said Ju Ju instead of Justin. She could never say his name.

"Mommy look!! Ju Ju gave me a purple poseecle!" I giggled at how she said Popsicle.

"Say thank you." I said to my daughter.

"Thank you Ju Ju." the little girl gave him a hug.

"Your welcome Darcy. " he gave her a kiss on the cheek. "So where are we going first?" Justin asked standing up. I looked around the amusement park.

"Let's ask the birthday girl. What do you want to do?" I said holding onto Darcy's hand.

"The princesses!! I wanna see Belle!" Darcy exclaimed.

"Okay okay. Calm down. Lets go to the castle" Justin took her from me, swinging her on top his shoulders.


A few hours later, we walked the streets of DisneyLand. My baby girl smiled as all the colorful objects passed by us. There was a crowd forming further in front of us.

"What do you think is going on?" I asked Justin.

"I don't know. Wait a minute. What are they..." Justin grabbed my hand and spun us around, making us walk in the other direction. Fury spread across face.

"What are you doing?" I whispered. Confusion played on Darcy's face.

"He's here." Justin said facing me. Immediately, I knew what he meant.

"What are the odds that they are here the same time as us? Are you sure?" I asked stopping in place.

"I'm positive. I lived with them for 6 months. I know what they look like." He frowned, looking back. "Now unless you wanna see see that bastard, I suggest we keep moving." I nodded and allowed Justin to pull me along.

Justin's POV


"Where the hell is she Justin? Where is Lani?!" Harry screamed and begged.

"Stay the hell away from Lani! If she doesn't want to tell you where she is, then I won't tell you where she is. You screwed up her life Harry! Stay away from her!" I said pushing him by his shoulders.

"I don't know what the hell I did wrong Justin? I didn't do a damn thing! She just left me Justin! I need to talk to her. I need to get her back!" Tears fell down his face. Anything for Lani. I'll do anything for Lani.

"Sorry Harry. Good luck finding her." I ran my fingers through my hair and opened the door, not looking back.

~end of flashback~

I carried sleeping Darcy up to our room.

"Thanks Justin. I owe you." Lani said as she leaned against the doorframe as I put Darcy down to sleep.

"It's fine. I love Darcy, and I would do anything for her. For you." I took a step towards Lani. With my hand, I slowly moved a piece of her blonde hair to the side. Yes I said blonde. After Darcy was born, she changed her look and style so she wasn't noticed. I liked her as a brunette, but I didn't mind her as a blonde either. She was always perfect to me.


"Yes Lani?" I whispered as I looked into her hazel eyes with golden specks.

"Kiss me." she whispered. At first, I didn't know what to do or say. I never thought I would hear her say that again. But as my senses came back, I cupped her face in my hands and bent down for a kiss.

Lani's POV

I never thought I was gonna feel this way for him again, but Justin was always there for me, for Darcy, for us.

Justin smiled as he pulled away. He rubbed my cheek with his thumb.

"Mommy?" I turned my head. Darcy sat up, rubbing her eyes. "I'm hungry." she said faintly.

"Okay sweetie. Why don't you and I get some food." I said picking her up. She nodded, resting her head on my shoulder.

"Just stay here. I'll be back." I told Justin. He nodded and gave me another kiss.

"Ill be waiting." he gave me a devilish grin and smacked my ass. Same old Justin.

"You wish." I said laughing, walking out the door.

I set Darcy down as we stepped into the elevator. We were on the top floor, so I allowed Darcy to press the button.

A man stepped in the elevator on the floor below us. I never really caught his features.

"Your daughter is cute. How old is she?" The man asked. After fixing Darcy's hair, I looked up.

"Thanks. She turned 3 to-" as my eyes locked onto the stranger's I stopped in mid sentence. He looked at me, mouth hanging open. I held tightly to Darcy's hand.

"Mommy, can I get some chicken nuggets?" Darcy asked breaking the silence. My eyes darted back to the boy.

"Mommy?" Harry whispered.


Okay Lani's decision pissed me off! But anyways, Thanks soooo much for all the reads I'm almost to 500 Reads!!! I was thinking....if I get 500 reads by Friday I will make a video of me doing something u guys comment saying u want me to do and I'll post it on YouTube.....but it's gotta be by Friday....and maybe at least 5 followers!!

Yeli :)

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